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Sensor Testing Overview

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The information in this document outlines the process for testing your sensor device for proper functionality within the Windows operating system. These procedures use the Microsoft Windows Logo Kit (WLK) and Driver Test Manager (DTM). To ensure full functionality, you must run all of the tests that the DTM identifies as required for your device. Each test enables AppVerifier to run on the user mode driver. The test recommends that a kernel mode debugger be attached to the test to catch any AppVerifier breaks. Each test should run AppVerifier clean and have no AppVerifier debug breaks.

Note   Sensor devices, as defined in this document, are devices that work with the Windows Sensor and Location platform. Currently this platform is only available on Windows 7.

The test procedures in this section are divided into the following sections:

  • Requirements: Describes the hardware, software, and tester knowledge that is required for running the sensor tests.

  • Preparing for Sensor Testing: Describes how to configure the system for Windows logo testing.

  • Running the Sensor Tests: Describes how to run the sensor tests for your device.

  • Troubleshooting: Describes how to diagnose and fix common problems that you might encounter during sensor device testing.


Hardware Requirements

There are no specific hardware requirements for sensor device testing other than the device to be tested.

Software Requirements

The following software is required to run the sensor testing components of the WLK:

  • Windows 7 (Home Premium or higher. Windows 7 Ultimate is recommended.)

  • Any drivers that are not shipped with the operating system.

  • A setup information (.inf) file for the device that you are testing.

Tester Knowledge Requirements

To run the sensor tests, you must know how to perform the following actions:

  • Install Windows.

  • Install the sensor device under test.

  • Install the DTM client and DTM studio.

  • Start tests from the DTM Device Console in the DTM Studio.

  • Attach a kernel mode debugger to the target test machine.

  • Review the output log from AppVerifier for errors.

For more information on using the WLK DTM please see Getting Started and Using DTM for Logo Testing.



Build date: 9/14/2012