Running the Unclassified Signature Tests
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
To run the Unclassified Signature tests, do the following:
Open Driver Test Manager (DTM) Studio.
On the Explorers menu, click Device Console.
Select View By Submission.
From the Submission control, click New Submission. The Create New Submission Wizard appears.
From the Select OS dialog box, click the Windows operating system that is installed on the client, and then click Next.
From the Select Category window, click Unclassified Submission, and then click Next.
Under Logo Type, scroll to the bottom of the list, click Unclassified, and then click Next.
From the Qualification Level window, click Unclassified, and then click Next.
Type a name for the submission, click the machine pool, and then click Next.
Type the path to the INF file and click Load. You can also use the Browse button to find your INF file.
In the Drivers for Submission area, select the driver that you want to submit, and then click Next.
Note If you select the I am not providing an INF or Driver Package check box, your device will be tested with the system-supplied drivers and the INF file from the operating system. As a result, you will not be able to upload driver files to Winqual. However, you will still receive the Windows Logo Verification Report after you successfully complete the logo tests, and your submission package is approved.
Click Finish.
The new submission appears on the left side of the Available Devices window in the Device Console.
In Available Jobs, select the Driver Reliability check box, and then expand the Driver Reliability category to show the individual jobs.
To schedule the Unclassified Submission jobs, do the following:
Click Add Selected, and then click Schedule Jobs.
Note At this point, you can return to the Job Monitor window to monitor the progress of the logo tests that you scheduled.
From the Device Console, click the Status button to launch the Submission Status Tool.
After the submission jobs are complete, create a submission package.
Open Device Console, and in the Available Devices window on the left, right-click the submission name that you created earlier.
Click Create Submission Package.
In the Save File dialog box, type a name for the submission, and then click Save.
Important This is the file that you will submit to Microsoft along with your driver package.
Build date: 9/14/2012