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Running the Terminal Server PNP Redirection Tests

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Running the TS PNP Redirection logo tests for Cellular Phone Device

Logo Program: Windows Vista Client Logo (x86, x64) only

  1. Please refer to "Portable Media Devices Testing" section for details on how to run local non-TS Cellular Phone Logo Tests. Since TS logo jobs will run with the same submission as the non-TS logo jobs, it's imperative that the local non-TS Cellular Phone Logo tests are run first.

    Recommended Setup:

    • TS Server: The same DTM client machine that was used to run the non-TS Cellular Phone Logo Tests should be set up as the TS Server machine. Install the TS-redirectable driver on this machine. Read the "Device Driver INF Changes for Plug and Play Device Redirection on Terminal Server" section located in the link: Device Driver INF Changes for Plug and Play Device Redirection on Terminal Server on how to make the driver TS-redirectable.
    • TS Client: An additional DTM client machine with the same processor architecture (x86 or x64) as the TS Server machine. Connect your device to this machine, and install the (non TS-redirected) driver on this machine.
    • Only 1 device is needed, and it should be connected to the TS Client machine.
      • SettingWhen creating the Logo submission, you will need a device connected to each of the machines, so that the appropriate submission configuration jobs will be scheduled on both machines. This is a crucial step to ensure that the DTM smart scheduler can run the Logo jobs scheduled for the submission ID of each machine.
      • Once you created your submission, and completed the WDK submission hardware and ID configuration jobs, you may now disconnect the device from the TS Server machine, and keep your target device connected to the TS Client machine so that it can be redirected.
  2. Setting up machines for Terminal Server Redirection:

    • The first test to be run on the TS Client machine is the TS_PnpRedirection PNPREDIRECTION-WDK DTM job that resides in WDK->TerminalServer->Client DTM category. Note: This test is the preparatory ground for launching next set of TS Redirection Logo tests. You can find this in Explorers -> Job Explorer, under the category TerminalServer ->Client.
    • Edit the LMS_Client LMS with correct Client Machine name for WTT\FullMachineName constraint as described in test system configuration section above.
    • After TS_PnpRedirection WDK test is run on TS client machine, schedule the TS_PNPRedirection -WDK job on your machine pool, selecting both machines when you schedule. This will run on TS client machine specified by your LMS_Client setting. It creates a TS session on the TS Server machine. Make sure that you don't close this TS session or terminate the TS client executable i.e. mstsc.exe after this test is done. This session is required to run the next set of tests.
    • After the TS_PnpRedirection-WDK job is run on client machine, vendor is expected to go to the Device Console UI in DTM studio and look at the TS Server machine and verify that the WPD device indeed shows up on the server machine. Specifically, from Device Console, locate this device in the "Windows Portable Devices" node for the TS server machine on the left hand pane.
  3. When you complete setting up the machines for Terminal Server Redirection testing, you will be required to run the following test cases for the redirected driver on the TS Server machine:

    WPD Compliance Tests (TS Redirection)

    WPD Compliance Stress Tests (TS Redirection)

    1. Select the same submission that you have created previously, and refresh Device Console. You may need to wait a few minutes until the device appears correctly (no stale entries).
    2. Right-click the device, and select "View Device XML," and verify the entries such as DeviceID, DriverDate, DriverVersion, and ImagePath for your driver and device. The DeviceID should begin with the prefix TS_.
  4. Select the TS redirected device and schedule the following "TS Redirection" jobs from the second "Cellular Handsets" category. The other jobs are not required for this test.

    Cellular Handsets:

    1. Select the same submission that you have created previously, and refresh Device Console. You may need to wait a few minutes until the device appears correctly (no stale entries).
    2. Right-click the device, and select "View Device XML," and verify the entries such as DeviceID, DriverDate, DriverVersion, and ImagePath for your driver and device. The DeviceID should begin with the prefix TS_.

Since these jobs are run within the same submission as the non TS logo jobs, the logs from these jobs will be bundled together in the same package.



Build date: 9/14/2012