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Running the Mobile Broadband Tests

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

After you complete the Preparing DTM for Mobile Broadband Testing procedure, the test harness is ready to begin running the Mobile Broadband device test for logo submission. To run the Mobile Broadband device test, follow these steps:

  1. On the Explorers menu, click Device Console.

    Note   You can also switch to the Device Console window by clicking the Device Console tab in the lower-left corner of DTM Studio.

  2. In the View By area, click Submission, and then in the Submission list, click <New Submission>. The following dialog box appears.

    Note  It might take a moment for the following screen to appear.

  3. Click the operating system and architecture that the test device is running on, and then click Next.

    Note  Currently, the Mobile Broadband test is only supported in Windows 7 Client and Windows 7 Client x64.

  4. Click Device Submission, and then click Next.

  5. Click Network > Mobile Broadband Network, and then click Next.

  6. Click Logo, and then click Next.

  7. In the Name for new submission box, type an appropriate name for this test submission, and then click the machine pool to run the test jobs under Machine Pool.

  8. In the Driver Install File (INF) box, locate the INF file that is associated with the driver to be tested, click Load, and then click Next.

  9. Review the summary of the settings that have been selected, and then click Next.

  10. If the device supports dual mode (both GSM and CDMA), click Yes. If it is a single mode device (either GSM or CDMA but not both), click No.

  11. Click Next.

  12. The following screen appears:

  13. The category is based on the dual mode device choice. If the device is a single mode device, the following screen appears:

    If the device is a dual mode device, the following screen appears:

  14. Click Finish.

  15. The Device Console window appears.

  16. In the Available Jobs area, select the MBN check box. Make sure that all the child nodes of MBN are also selected, and then click Add Selected. All the selected jobs are added to the bottom of the window.

  17. Right-click Mobile Broadband Networking (Interactive) - NDISTest 6.5 and Mobile Broadband Networking (Non-Interactive) - NDISTest 6.5, and then click Edit Parameters.

  18. In the Parameters dialog box, type the requested information, and then click OK.

  19. In the Device Console window, click Add Selected, and then click Schedule Jobs in the lower-right corner of the screen. The tests begin to run.

    If your device is a single mode device, you should see the following screen:

    If your device is a dual mode device, the following screen appears:

Note  During the test run and after the test run completes, you can view test progress and status from the Job Monitor window. To open this window, click Job Monitor on Explorers. Job Monitor is the same window that is used to define a new machine pool.

When the client computers complete the test jobs, you can gather information from the Job Execution Status window by right-clicking on a job and viewing errors, job reports, or result reports. Alternatively, you can click Browse Job Logs to access NDISTest results.



Build date: 9/14/2012