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Running the LAN (Ethernet) Tests

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

To schedule the LAN (Ethernet) device tests, you can use the Device Console window in DTM Studio.

The following logo submission procedure demonstrates how to run the LAN device tests:

  1. Open DTM Studio.

  2. On the Explorers menu, click Device Console. (You can also switch to the Device Console window by clicking the Device Console tab in the lower left corner of DTM Studio.)

  3. In the View By area, select Submission, and then in the Submission list, click <New Submission>.

  4. Click Windows Vista Client.

  5. Click Device Submission.

  6. Click Network > LAN (Ethernet).

  7. Click Basic.

  8. In the Name for new submission box, enter a name for the submission, and then select the machine pool that the submission will be associated with.

  9. In the Driver Install File (INF) box, locate the device's INF file.

  10. Review the summary page to make sure the information is correct, and then click Finish.

  11. In the Available Devices area of the Device Console window, select a test device from the devices that appear. In the Available Jobs area, place a check next to the logo job, then right-click the logo job, and click Add Information.

    The Job extension dialog box will open.

  12. In the Job extension dialog box, do the following:

    1. In the Local Support Device area, select the support test device that is connected to the Test network Switch.
    2. From the Local Message Device list, select a device that is connected to the Message network Switch.
    3. In the Remote Machines area, select the computer (DTM Client 1) which hosts the Remote Support Device.
    4. In the Remote Support Device area, select the support test device that is connected to the Test network Switch.
    5. In the Remote Message Device list, select the device that is connected to the Message network Switch.
    6. Click Advanced Test Device Info to provide additional information of the test device. A detailed description of Advanced Test Device Info is given later in this subsection.
    7. Click Save.

    Note  The Local Test Device, Local Support Device, and Remote Support Device entries must be identical. This rule is the requirement of the logo submission. Although the Job extension dialog box does not enforce this policy, the actual test will fail if the three network devices are not the same.

    The Advanced Test Device Info button gives the user a chance to provide more information about the device under test. After you click the button, the Advanced Options dialog box appears.

    The following table provides a detailed description of every property in the Advanced Options window.

    PropertyName Type Default value Description




    Is the device under test a Card Bus device?




    Can the device under test generate disconnect and subsequent connect events under any scenario?




    Is the device under test using Optical Fiber as the transmission medium?




    Does the device under test map IoSpace that falls outside of the range assigned to the device by the operating system?




    Can two instances of the device under test be installed on a single machine?




    Virtual network drivers should set to False as they are not required to support Scatter Gather DMA.




    Is the device under test physically integrated on the system you are testing with and cannot be used on any other system?


    The information provided in the Advanced Options dialog box helps NDISTest adjust its test cases to fit the capabilities of the test device. For example, if MultipleDeviceInstancesSupported is set as False, the NDISTest does not require the existence of the local support device during the logo submission. The default values of the properties should fit most LAN Ethernet devices.

    After the user clicks Save on the Job Extension UI, the data in Advanced Options persists on the machine where the DTM Studio is installed. When a user launches a job more than once for the same test device, they do not have to add these properties again.

  13. Click Add Selected to add the job to the configured job list.

After you complete the preceding steps, the job is ready for scheduling. After you click Schedule Jobs, DTM Studio will send the job to the DTM controller and dispatch the job on the designated DTM client machines. You can also put multiple configured jobs into the configured job list first, and then schedule them in one batch.



Build date: 9/14/2012