Running the Digitizer Tests
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
After you have installed the DTM client and gatherer on the test systems, you can begin testing.
To run the Digitizer logo tests by using DTM, do the following
Open DTM Studio.
On the Explorers menu, click Job Monitor.
Create a machine pool where the client systems can go.
Move the client systems to the newly created machine pool.
On the Explorers menu, click Device Selection.
In the View By area, click Submission.
From the Submission drop-down list, click New Submission.
Follow the steps in the Submission Wizard. When you complete the wizard, a set of jobs is displayed.
In the Available Devices pane, click one of the devices.
In the Available Jobs pane, click the main job tree to run all of the jobs that are listed or click the jobs individually and then click Add Selected.
When you are ready to run the jobs, click Schedule.
Repeat steps 11-13 for the other devices in the Available Devices pane.
After testing is complete, click the status button in Device Console and review the information that is provided. Make corrections as necessary.
After you verify the status information, right-click the summary icon in the Available Devices pane of Device Console, and then click Create Submission Package.
You can use Job Monitor to track the progress of jobs as they are run, and you can use Result Explorer to examine the results of jobs that have completed.
Currently, there are no manual digitizer tests.
Build date: 9/14/2012