Router Logo Program Test Lab Setup (non-wireless)
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
The following documentation outlines procedures that are specific to the Router Logo program for routers that don't support wireless. This should be viewed as supplementary documentation to the standard Driver Test Manager (DTM) setup documentation.
Note You must use the latest version of the WDK to compile your driver in order for it to pass testing and obtain a logo.
To create a Router Logo submission, you must have the following setup configured using the standard DTM setup documentation.
DTM controller
DTM Studio running on a computer on the same network as the DTM controller
Four DTM client machines (specific configuration and system requirements will be described in detail in the following section)
A minimum of two 100 mbit hubs (You might need more depending on the number of available Ethernet ports on the device under test)
The rest of this documentation assumes that the DTM controller, Studio, and clients are properly configured. This means that the controller has the proper permissions set, the studio is able to connect to and execute jobs on the controller, the clients are added to a machine pool, and all clients are working in the ready state.
Note Testing a device to obtain a logo for Server Device qualification requires that the system being used to test the device supports four processors and a minimum of 1 GB of RAM. These system capabilities are required for the "Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test" and the "Multiple Processor Group" test to run. You do not need a system that actually supports DP capabilities or has greater than 64 processors to test your device.
If a pool of systems is used to test devices, at least one system in the pool must contain four processors and a minimum of 1 GB of RAM. Additionally, that system must contain the device and driver being tested. As long as the driver is the same on all systems in the pool, the schedule will be created to run against all systems.
For those tests that do not include a driver to test, such as testing a hard drive, the Driver Test Manager (DTM) scheduler will constrain the DP test to run on the default system. This system should also be manually configured to have multiple processor groups. The default system is the first one listed. Test personnel, in this case, should ensure that this first system meets these minimum hardware requirements.
Note Except for Para-Virtualization drivers (as defined by Logo Requirement Policy-0020), physical devices and their associated drivers being tested for Server Logo or Signature may not be tested in virtual machines using any form of virtualization. This is because not all virtualization products support the underlying functionality needed to pass the tests relating to Multiple Processor Groups, Device Power Management, Device PCI functionality, etc.
Machine Requirements and Configuration
Among the four DTM client machines, there are three individual configurations. Therefore, two of the client machines are set up identically. These machines are designated as LAN1, LAN2, WAN1, and WAN2. All system requirements are in addition to minimum system requirements for Windows Vista and the DTM test suite. The following network schematic shows how each machine is connected in the network.
Make sure the DHCP server for the router is enabled.
You must set the WAN port to this static IP address:
Make sure UPnP setting is enabled, if it's not enabled by default.
Machines LAN1 and LAN2
System Requirements:
The x86-based version of Windows Vista Client
Three 10/100 Ethernet Cards
- At least one of the three must support QOS 802.1p
Both of these machines, LAN1 and LAN2, have an identical setup procedure. Complete the following steps for each machine:
Connect two of the Ethernet cards to the LAN side of the router via Ethernet cable. One of these two must be QOS 802.1p-capable.
Connect the third Ethernet card to the DTM network.
Open the Network Connections folder (this can be done by clicking Manage Network Connections in Network Center).
Rename the network connections such that:
- The connection to the DTM network is named DTM.
- The connection to the LAN side of the router with the QOS-capable interface is named LAN_P.
- The remaining interface that is connected to the LAN side is named LAN.
Enable QOS 802.1p on the LAN_P connection (consult individual interface card manual if you are unsure how to do this)
Make sure all of the connections are marked Private in the Network Sharing Center.
Run the configuration jobs: Setup Machine LAN1 and Setup Machine LAN2 for Machine Lan1 and Machine2, respectively. These jobs will set Static IP addresses and setup machine dimensions for each machine as follows:
Interface LAN1 LAN2 LAN
IP address assigned by DHCP
IP address assigned by DHCP
For each machine, run ipconfig in the command prompt window to verify that each interface has a correctly assigned IP address.
To ensure IP connectivity on all interfaces, try to ping other addresses. If a firewall is enabled, open the ping exception via netsh firewall set icmpsettigns 8.
Make sure that all network connections are set to Private in Network Center.
Machine WAN1
System Requirements
The x86-based version of Windows Vista Client
Two 10/100 Ethernet Cards
Use the following procedure to set up the WAN1 machine:
Connect one Ethernet card to the WAN side of the router. Because most routers only have one port for the WAN interface, a hub can be used (as shown in the diagram).
Connect the other Ethernet card to the DTM network.
Open the Network Connections folder (this can be done by clicking Manage Network Connections in Network Center.
Rename the network connections such that
- The connection to the DTM network is named DTM.
- The connection to the WAN side of the router is named WAN.
Run the Setup Machine WAN1configuration job. These jobs will set static IP addresses and set up machine dimensions as follows:
Interface WAN1 WAN
IP address assigned by DHCP
Run ipconfig in a command prompt window to verify that each interface has a correctly assigned IP address.
Make sure that all interfaces have an IP connection. If a firewall is enabled, open the ping exception via: netsh firewall set icmpsettigns 8.
Ensure that all network connections are set to Private in Network Center.
Machine WAN2
System Requirements
The x86-based version of Windows Vista Client
Three 10/100 Ethernet Cards
Use the following procedure to set up the WAN2 machine:
Connect two of the Ethernet cards to the WAN side of the router. A switch can be used to accomplish this.
Connect the remaining Ethernet card to the DTM network.
Open the Network Connections folder (this can be done by clicking Manage Network Connections in Network Center).
Rename the network connections such that
- The connection to the DTM network is named DTM.
- The connections to the WAN side of the router are named WAN1 and WAN2.
Run the Setup Machine WAN2 configuration job. These jobs will set static IP addresses and set up machine dimensions as follows:
Interface WAN2 WAN1
IP address assigned by DHCP
Run ipconfig in a command prompt window to verify that each interface has a correctly assigned IP address.
Make sure that all interfaces have an IP connection. If a firewall is enabled, open the ping exception via: netsh firewall set icmpsettigns 8
Ensure that all network connections are set to Private in Network Center.
Machine Pool Configuration
Proper setup of the machine pool is vital. When the machine pool is not properly configured, scheduled jobs will stay in the status Scheduler. When you properly configure the machine pool, the DTM controller can assign each individual task to the correct machine. For each of the four machines in the pool, a configuration job must be run. This job will set Dimensions on that machine, which will describe its role in the network.
To run the configurations job, do the following on each machine in the pool:
Open DTM Studio.
On the Explorers menu, click Job Explorer.
On the left side, select the correct machine pool.
Right-click the machine, and click Schedule.
Click Browse, and then click the job Setup Machine XYZ found under WDK Tests\Networking\Routers\Configuration (where XYZ correspond to LAN1, LAN2, WAN1, and WAN2).
For LAN1 and LAN2: Type the MAC address of the LAN side interface of the wireless router in the Value field for the IGD_Mac parameter.
Click Start.
Creating a Submission
In order to receive a logo for the Router Logo Program, you must create a submission that contains all of the run tests. There are three steps to doing this: creating a new submission, running the tests, and then creating a submission package to send to Microsoft.
To create a new submission, use the DTM Studio.
UOn the Explorers menu, click the Device Console.
Select New Submission.
When the Submission Wizard appears, click Windows Vista Client.
Click Device Submission, and then click Next.
Click Network > Router, and then click Next.
Choose Basic or Premium based on desired logo.
Select the machine pool that you have previously configured to run these tests.
Type a name for the submission (preferably the device name), and then click Next.
Next, run each test individually. After you have created a new submission, you will notice that the right pane will be filled with many test names with check boxes beside them. You can select more tests, and click Add Selected. After selecting a test, you might need to edit a parameter in order for the test to run properly. To do this, right-click the job and click Edit Parameters. More information about how to edit parameters can be found in the individual instructions for each category of tests later in this document. Once you have done so, click Schedule Jobs. Go to the job monitor and wait for the job to finish. After the job finishes, you can run the next test. Some of the tests have special requirements that must be fulfilled before they can be run. In the next section, there is a list of those requirements for each specific test or test category. Pay close attention to these requirements. Failing to do somight result in unexpected failures.
LLTD Responder Verification Tests
All LLTD tests start with the prefix "LLD2". In order to schedule more than one of these tests at a time, you must put one of the LAN machines into manual mode.
Important If you do not put one of the LAN machines into manual mode, some tests might fail.
When you are done running the LLTD tests, ensure that you reset the machine state back to ready mode so that the other test sets can use both LAN machines. Additionally, the test "LLD2 Verification Tests - Performance and Reliability" might take up to 24 hours to complete. Schedule this test accordingly.
These tests rely on the IGD's MAC address to be properly set in the setup job for each machine. A common mistake, especially if testing more than one device, is to not have the proper MAC address set for either LAN1 or LAN2.
IPV6 Tests
These tests should be run one at a time, but sequence is not important. The machine running the server should have two interfaces with two IP addresses. The parameters should be configured with the two IP addresses of the machine that runs the server. These tests do not rely on the IGD's MAC address in the setup job for each machine.
IGD byte counters tests
The DTM jobs for these tests have the common prefix IGDByteCounters in their names. Although the sequence is not important, it is recommended that the basic logo tests are run first.
Make sure the following conditions are met before running these tests:
The user logged on to the console of the machines has administrator privileges
UPnP framework is enabled on the IGD.
Build date: 9/14/2012