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Preparing for Terminal Server PNP Redirection Testing

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Before running the tests, you must configure the system and install the operating system. This section summarizes the related procedures.

For a complete list of required hardware, software, and tester knowledge, see the Terminal Server PNP Redirection Testing Overview.

Many of the tests in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) require a test system to restart (often more than once) to complete a test run. The test description and the running instructions specify whether a test requires a system restart. Although these tests programmatically restart the test system, you must manually log on to the test system after each system restart so that the test run can resume. You can avoid this requirement by enabling autologon functionality on the test system. For more information about automatic logon, see How to turn on automatic logon in Windows XP.

Test System Configuration

To configure your test system for Terminal Server PNP redirection tests, do the following:

  1. The test creates a tspnpadmusr user who is a member of local admin group on both TS client machine and TS server machine. The test creates a TS session on the TS server with this account and password

  2. Both the TS client and TS server computers should be in the same DTM machine pool.

  3. Make sure that you have updated your inf file to make it TS-redirectable and your TS-redirectable driver is installed on the TS server machine.

  4. Important  Edit the job named TS_PNPRedirection - WDK in Job Explorer, go to LMS section and edit the LMS_Client LMS. In the LMS Constraints tab add "Dimension" field to WTT\FullMachineName, set the "Operator" field to Equals and set the "Value" to be the actual Machine Name of the Client Machine. This step is required so that this job knows which machine to select as the Client Machine.

  5. Set the logo test dimension for the machine pool:

    1. Switch to the Job Monitor window. You can also open a new Job Monitor window by clicking Explorers, and then clicking Job Monitor.
    2. In the Machine Pool tab of the Job Monitor window, right-click the machine pool that contains the computers whose dimensions you want to set for logo testing, and click Properties.
    3. In the Machine Pool Properties dialog box, click the MCU Policy tab.
    4. In the Available Dimensions pane, select the Wdk\ConfigureCellularHandsetsPortableDevice logo test dimension, and then click Add.
    5. Make sure that the logo test dimension that you selected is shown in the Dimensions in Policy pane.
    6. Click Apply, and then click OK.



Build date: 9/14/2012