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Managing DTM User Accounts

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

A DTM user account is automatically created for the person who installed the DTM Controller, and that account is granted administrator privileges within DTM. A person who has a DTM user account with administrator privileges is called a DTM administrator.

DTM administrators can create new DTM user accounts or modify the permissions of existing DTM user accounts.

Important   To create a DTM user account for a domain user, as opposed to a user account for a local user, you must be logged on to the DTM Studio computer as a domain user with administrator rights on the local machine.

If you try to create a DTM user account for a domain user while you are logged on as a local user with administrator rights, an error message will appear informing you that the user for whom you are trying to set up permissions does not exist in the domain. The domain referred to in the error message is the local machine and not the domain to which it is connected.

For details about this error message, refer to the "Error message: Error encountered while adding user <domain\username>" topic in the Troubleshooting DTM Problems section of this documentation.

The following topics describe ways that a DTM administrator can manage user accounts:

Assigning Roles

Creating a DTM User Account

Granting Permissions



Build date: 9/14/2012