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iSCSI Oneway CHAP (Target)

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


The iSCSI Oneway CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target device (disk, tape, or optical storage device) can use the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication mechanism.


The test uses multiple variations to verify that a target properly supports one-way CHAP. The first variation performs a logon similar to the user logging in through iSCSI Initiator Control Panel Applet. The rest of the variations perform logon outside of the Microsoft initiator by using the iSCSI protocol. Each variation receives the challenge from the target and responds to the target's with a calculated response. The target is then expected to either continue with the iSCSI logon or return the appropriate status code, depending on the response received.

There are four different variations:

  • Valid response is returned using Hex Encoding

  • Valid response is returned using Base64 Encoding

  • Invalid response is returned using Hex Encoding

  • Invalid response is returned using Base64 Encoding

Run Time:

Log File:

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows Server 2003

  • Windows XP



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

  • On operating systems before Windows Vista, the latest version of the Microsoft iSCSI software initiator

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Device to be tested

  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:


The test tool runs on the following processor architectures:

  • x86

  • x64

  • Itanium

Running iSCSI Oneway CHAP (Target)

To run this test, do the following:

  1. Run the test as a Driver Test Manager (DTM) job.

  2. Enter the required data in the configuration dialog box that appears when this job is scheduled.

Command Syntax

Command option Description

iscsi_targetchap -oneway -hct



  1. Look at the job results log file for test failures.

  2. Verify the data entered in the configuration dialog box when the job is scheduled from the Device Cconsole window.

Code Tour

File Manifest

File Location




Test Assertions

0 Login using CHAP must succeed.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc45-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

1 The target must only return iSCSI logon response protocol data units (PDUs).

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc1d-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The target can use only logon response PDUs during iSCSI logon.Apply: iSCSI logon request PDUs are sent to the target.Expect: Each PDU received by the test has the opcode field set to 0x23.

2 iSCSI logon response packets must have NULL-terminated data segments.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc1e-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: Any response PDU returned by the target, with the data segment length greater than 0, must have a NULL terminator in the last valid byte (non-pad byte) of the data segment. Only key = value pairs are allowed in the response PDU, and the last byte must indicate the end of the last key = value pair. Apply: iSCSI logon request PDUs are sent to the target. Expect: Each PDU, received by the target, has the last non-padding byte of the PDU set to 0.

3 The target must return successful status in response to the initial logon request.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc21-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that the iSCSI target accepts the initial logon request by returning successful status to the initiator. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The returned logon response PDU must have the status code and status detail fields set to 0.

4 The target must remain in the security negotiation phase during CHAP authentication.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc22-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that an iSCSI target does not request transition out of the security negotiation stage during authentication. Apply: Two iSCSI logon request PDUs are sent to the target as part of the security negotiation stage. Expect: The target's response to the first two PDUs has the CSG and NSG fields of the response PDU set to 0 and the T (transit) bit set to 0.

5 The response PDU to the first logon request PDU must not have an empty data segment.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc23-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the response PDU that is returned in response to the initial logon does not have an empty data segment. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The target's response PDU Data Segment Length field must not be 0.

6 The initial logon response PDU must contain at least one TargetPortalGroupTag key.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc30-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the initial response PDU returned to the initiator contains at least one TargetPortalGroupTag key. For more information, see section 5.3 of the iSCSI specification. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The target's response PDU includes a TargetPortalGroupTag key.

7 The target must return only one AuthMethod key in the initial logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc31-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the target returns one AuthMethod key in response to the initial logon request. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The target's response PDU has one AuthMethod key.

8 The target must return only one value for the AuthMethod key in the initial logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc32-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the target does not return a list of values for the AuthMethod key. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The target's response PDU AuthMethod key does not contain a comma-delimited value list.

9 The target must accept CHAP when proposed by the initiator.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc33-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that an iSCSI target accepts a proposal to use CHAP as an authentication method. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The target's response to the initial logon request returns AuthMethod = CHAP.

10 The target must not return any invalid keys in the initial logon response.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc24-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that only the AuthMethod and TargetPortalGroupTag keys are returned in the initial logon response. Apply: An initial iSCSI logon PDU is sent with AuthMethod = CHAP. Expect: The target's response contains only the AuthMethod or TargetPortalGroupTag key.

11 The target must return successful status in response to the initiator CHAP_A proposal.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc25-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test checks that the iSCSI target accepts the CHAP_A proposal and returns a successful status to the initiator. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU that the initiator sends contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The returned logon response PDU must have the status code and status detail fields set to zero (0).

12 The response PDU to the second logon request PDU must not have an empty data segment.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc27-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the response PDU, returned in response to the second logon, does not have an empty data segment. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU that the initiator sends contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU Data Segment Length field must not be 0.

13 The target must return only one CHAP_A key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc34-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the target returns one CHAP_A = key in response to the second logon request. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU that the initiator sends contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU has one CHAP_A = key.

14 The target must return only one value for the CHAP_A key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc35-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the target does not return a list of values in the CHAP_A= key. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU CHAP_A does not contain a comma-delimited value list.

15 The CHAP_A key returned in the second logon response must be a valid numeric value.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc36-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the value returned in the CHAP_A = key is a properly encoded numeric value. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The value of the target's response PDU CHAP_A key is properly encoded as a numerical value as defined in section 5.1 of the iSCSI specification (For more information, see the IETF IP Storage Working Group Internet Draft: draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-20.txt). The value may be encoded as a decimal or hexadecimal value.

16 The target must accept the MD5 hash algorithm.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc37-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test checks that an iSCSI target accepts the MD5 algorithm when proposed by the initiator. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target logon response returns the iSCSI logon response PDU with the CHAP_A value equivalent to 5.

17 The target must return only one CHAP_I key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc38-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target returns one CHAP_I key in response to the second logon request. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A=5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU has one CHAP_I key.

18 The target must return only one value for the CHAP_I key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc39-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target does not return a list of values in the CHAP_I= key. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A=5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU CHAP_I = does not contain a comma-delimited value list.

19 The CHAP_I key returned in the second logon response must be a valid numeric value.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc3a-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: The target must return a valid numeric value for the CHAP_I key in the second logon response PDU. Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the value returned in the CHAP_I= key is a properly encoded numeric value. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A=5 key. 4/14/04 crobbins: In theory, should say "by the test" not specific to our initiator. Expect: The value of the target's response PDU CHAP_I must be properly encoded as a numerical value as defined in section 5.1 of the iSCSI Specification. The value may be encoded as a decimal or hexadecimal value.

20 The value of the CHAP_I key must be less than or equal to 255.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc3b-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that the CHAP_I key value is only one byte in its unencoded form. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target logon response returns an iSCSI logon response PDU with a CHAP_i value less than or equal to 255 after it is decoded.

21 The target must return only one CHAP_C key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc3c-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target returns one CHAP_C = key in response to the second logon request. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU has one CHAP_C key.

22 The target must return only one value for the CHAP_C key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc3d-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target does not return a list of values in the CHAP_C key. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A=5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU CHAP_C= does not contain a comma-delimited value list.

23 The CHAP_C key returned in the second login response must be a valid binary value.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc3e-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the value returned in the CHAP_C = key is a properly encoded binary value. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A=5 key. Expect: The value of the target's response PDU CHAP_C key must be properly encoded as a binary value as defined in section 5.1 of the iSCSI specification. The value may be encoded as a decimal, hexadecimal, or base 64 constant.

24 The CHAP_C key must not be longer than the maximum allowed length.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc3f-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test checks that the CHAP_C = key value is not longer than the maximum length allowed. For those values encoded in hexadecimal or base 64 encoding, the maximum byte length is 1024 bytes. For values encoded in decimal encoding, the maximum byte length is 8 bytes. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A = 5 key. Expect: The target logon response returns an iSCSI logon response PDU with a CHAP_i key value that is less than or equal to 255 after it is decoded.

25 The target must not return any invalid keys in the second logon response.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc28-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test checks that only CHAP_A, CHAP_I, and CHAP_C values are included in the second logon response. Apply: The second iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains the CHAP_A=5 key. Expect: The target's response PDU contains only the CHAP_A = 5, a valid CHAP_I and a valid CHAP_C key. Any other included keys are considered an error.

26 The target must return authentication failure status when an invalid response is returned by the initiator.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc2a-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that a target properly rejects a logon when the initiator returns an invalid response to a CHAP challenge. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target with an invalid CHAP_R value. Expect: The target must return a logon response packet with its status class set to initiator error and the status detail set to authentication failure.

27 The target must accept a logon request when a valid response is returned by the initiator.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc29-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that a target properly recognizes when the initiator returns a valid response to a CHAP challenge. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target with a valid CHAP_R value. Expect: The target must return a logon response packet with its status class and status detail set to 0.

28 The target must indicate that it is ready to transition to the operation negotiation stage after indicating that the logon authentication succeeded.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc2d-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that a target indicates that it is ready to proceed to the operation negotiation stage after successfully authenticating the initiator. This condition is checked in both one-way and mutual CHAP. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target and indicates that the initiator wants to transition to the operation negotiation stage. Expect: The target must return a logon response packet with the CSG field set to 0x01 and the T (transit) bit set to 1.

29 The target must not return any key = value pairs in the final response packet when the initiator is not performing mutual CHAP.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc2b-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test verifies that the final response packet, returned by the initiator during one-way CHAP, does not contain any key=value pairs. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target with a valid CHAP_R value. Expect: The target must return a logon response packet with no additional data included in the data segment.

30 When the target is performing mutual CH AP, the target must return a logon response packet with a nonzero data segment length.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc2c-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the final response packet, returned by the initiator during mutual CHAP, contains key = value pairs in the data segment. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target with a valid CHAP_R value, a CHAP_I value, and a CHAP_C value. Expect: The target must return a logon response packet with a nonzero data segment length.

31 The target must return only one CHAP_N key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc40-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target returns one CHAP_N = key in response to the final logon request. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target with a valid CHAP_R value, a CHAP_I value, and a CHAP_C value. Expect: The target's response PDU has one CHAP_N = key.

32 The target must return only one CHAP_R key in the second logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc41-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target returns one CHAP_R = key in response to the final logon request. Apply: The final logon PDU with the CHAP response is sent to the target with a valid CHAP_R value, a CHAP_I value, and a CHAP_C value. Expect: The target's response PDU has one CHAP_R = key.

33 During mutual CHAP, the target must return only one value for the CHAP_R key in the final logon response PDU.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc42-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the target does not return a list of values in the CHAP_R = key. Apply: The final iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains CHAP_I and CHAP_C values that indicate mutual CHAP. Expect: The target's response PDU CHAP_R = does not contain a comma-delimited value list.

34 The CHAP_R key returned in the final logon response must be a valid large-binary value.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc43-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that the value returned in the CHAP_R key is a properly encoded binary value. Although the CHAP_R response may be a binary value, for MD5, the required length exceeds the 8-byte limit for decimal-encoded responses. Therefore, the encoding may only be hexadecimal or base 64. Apply: The final iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains CHAP_I and CHAP_C values that indicate mutual CHAP. Expect: The value of the target's response PDU CHAP_R must be properly encoded as a large-binary value as defined in section 5.1 of the iSCSI specification. The value can be encoded either as a hexadecimal or base 64constant.

35 The CHAP_R key must be 16 bytes long in its non-encoded form

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc44-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that the CHAP_R key value is equal to 16 bytes, which is the required length for responses returned as part of the MD5 algorithm. Apply: The final iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains CHAP_I and CHAP_C values that indicate mutual CHAP. Expect: The target logon response returns a iSCSI logon response PDU and the decode CHAP_R response must be 16 bytes long.

36 The target must compute the CHAP response correctly based on the MD5 algorithm.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc2e-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test checks that the CHAP response, returned by the target, is equivalent to the expected response based on the initiator secret and the CHAP_I and CHAP_C values sent to the target. Apply: The final iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains CHAP_I and CHAP_C values to indicate mutual CHAP. Expect: The target returns a CHAP_R response key with the correct response value after decoding the CHAP_R key.

37 When performing mutual CHAP, the target must not return any invalid keys in the final logon response.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc2f-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: This test checks that CHAP_N and CHAP_R are the only values included in the final logon response. Apply: The final iSCSI logon PDU sent by the initiator contains CHAP_I and CHAP_C values that indicate mutual CHAP. Expect: The target's response contains only the CHAP_N and CHAP_R above keys. Any other keys included are considered an error.

100 A target must allow connections at the IP address and port number specified for the target.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc1c-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that a TCP connection with the target being tested can be properly established. Apply: The test attempts to connect to the target using TCP/IP. Expect: The connection is properly established.

101 A target that supports logon redirection must include a data segment in the logon packet that redirects the test.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc1f-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that a logon response PDU with the status class set to 0x01 includes a data segment. Apply: The initial logon PDU is sent to the target device. Expect: If the target needs to redirect the test, it must contain a data segment so that it can specify a new target address.

102 A target that supports logon redirection must include at least one TargetAddress key in the returned data segment.

Test Assertion GUID: 5cfdfc20-c4fe-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0001 Storage devices meet industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: Test: The iSCSI Oneway/Mutual CHAP (Target) test verifies that a logon response PDU with the status class set to 0x01 includes a TargetAddress key. Apply: The initial logon PDU is sent to the target device. Expect: If the target needs to redirect the test, the returned data segment that indicates redirection contains a TargetAddress key.



Build date: 9/14/2012