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iSCSI Digest - Disk (HBA)

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


The iSCSI Digest - Disk (HBA) test verifies that the host-bus adapter (HBA) supports header and data digests as negotiated during the log on phase.


The iSCSI Digest - Disk (HBA) test performs the following algorithm:

  1. Prepare the system for iSCSI operations:

    1. If the target that is used for testing is already logged on, the session information is saved so the session can be restored later.
    2. The target disk device is added as a static iSCSI target.
  2. Perform iSCSI operations:

    1. If the target that is used for testing is already logged on, the current session to the target is logged out.
    2. The target is logged on by using the HBA that you are testing with header digests enabled.
    3. After logging on to the target, the test waits for all disk devices to be enumerated on the test system.
    4. The test will perform I/O read and write operations with the current target session.
    5. The test repeats the preceding steps with data digests only enabled and header and data digests enabled.
    6. The HBA under test must properly log on by using all three digest combinations with no I/O failures detected during I/O operations.
  3. Restore any previous iSCSI target sessions.

Run Time:

Log File:

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows Server 2003

  • Windows XP



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above)

  • Software components included with the device that is being tested

  • On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, the latest version of the Microsoft iSCSI software initiator is needed.

Hardware Requirements

The test tool requires the following hardware:

  • Device to be tested

  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements

  • Windows keyboard

  • Two-button pointing device

  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz

  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:

  • iSCSI disk storage system or iSCSI bridge with disk storage system attached


The test tool runs on the following processor architectures:

  • x86

  • x64

  • Itanium

Running iSCSI Digest - Disk (HBA)

  1. Log on to the disk target and format the drive. The disk target should have a drive letter before you run the test.

  2. Run the test as DTM job from the Device Console window.

  3. Enter the required data in the configuration dialog box that appears when this job is scheduled.


  1. Look at the job results log file for test failures.

  2. Verify the target has been formatted and assigned a drive letter.

  3. Verify the iSCSI configuration information is entered correctly in the configuration dialog box when the job is scheduled from Device Console.

Code Tour

File Manifest

File Location




Test Assertions

1.1 Setting up test, and saving open sessions.

Test Assertion GUID: 0df19e9d-c42e-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0002 Storage host controllers and adapters comply with industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: The setup stage must get the current sessions to the target and then persist that information so it can be used to reestablish these sessions during the cleanup stage.

2.1 The HBA must be able to log into the target successfully with digests enabled.

Test Assertion GUID: 7f102024-c42e-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0002 Storage host controllers and adapters comply with industry standards and Windows requirements

3.1 The HBA must successfully logout from target.

Test Assertion GUID: 7f102026-c42e-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0002 Storage host controllers and adapters comply with industry standards and Windows requirements

4.1 Cleaning up test, restoring sessions.

Test Assertion GUID: 7f102028-c42e-11da-94f4-00123f3a6b60

Windows Logo Program: STORAGE-0002 Storage host controllers and adapters comply with industry standards and Windows requirements

Additional Information: The cleanup stage must restore the sessions that were persisted during the setup stage.



Build date: 9/14/2012