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Executing a Job

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

When you schedule a job to execute, the DTM controller finds a client computer (or computers) that match the constraints of the job, and then sends the job to the client computers to execute. The client computers execute the job and report their status to the DTM controller. You can schedule jobs to execute by using Job Monitor or Job Explorer, and you can view the status of jobs that are executing or have finished executing by using Job Monitor.

Important   Although you can run the Windows logo jobs that are included with DTM by using the procedure in this topic, you must run these jobs by using the procedure described in Using DTM for Logo Testing to submit the results for a logo.

You can modify the job to execute in specific ways when you schedule the job to execute, such as:

  • Restricting the client computers that the job can execute on by selecting the client computers explicitly, or by adding constraints.

  • Overriding values of parameters.

  • Naming the result collection.

  • Specifying when to start trying to execute the job and when to stop trying to execute the job, or cancel the job's execution.

  • Indicating whether to allow DTM to schedule configuration jobs automatically to satisfy the job's constraints.

  • Creating multiple instances of the job to execute.

  • Identifying users who should receive e-mail messages when the job finishes executing.

To execute a job

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

  1. Switch to the Job Explorer window.

    You can also open a new Job Explorer window by clicking Explorers, and then clicking Job Explorer.

  2. Select your DTM controller from the drop-down box in the upper left of the Job Explorer window.

  3. Expand the nodes in the Feature pane until you locate the node that contains the job that you want to execute.

  4. Right-click the job you want to execute, and then select Schedule.

    Note   If the Schedule command is unavailable, you do not have permission to execute jobs within the feature node.

  5. Select your controller from the Automation Controller list in the Schedule Jobs window.

  6. If you want to the job to execute on specific client computers, or client computers within a specific machine pool, use the following procedure to identify the allowable client computers:

    1. On the Machines tab, select the machine pool that contains the client computers that the job can execute on.

    2. If you only want the job to execute on specific client computers within the machine pool, select Restrict Machine Selection to Specific Machines in Machine Pool, and then select the client computers that the job can execute on.

      Note   The number of client computers that you select will not affect the number of times that the job executes. If you select two client computers, and the job only requires one client computer, then the job will only execute once on one of the client computers that you selected.

  7. If you want to override the values of parameters in the job, then use the following procedure to provide values for the parameters:

    1. Select the Parameters tab.

      A grid that contains all of the parameters whose values you can override is displayed.

      Note   If the parameter whose value you want to override is not displayed, then it is probably unable to be changed when the job is scheduled. To override the value of a local parameter when you schedule a job, you must select the Schedule option when you define the job. To override the value of a global parameter when you schedule a job, you must select the IsScheduleDisplay option when you define the global parameter.

    2. Find the name of the parameter whose value you want to override in the JobName column of the grid.

    3. In the Value column, enter a value for the parameter.

    4. To provide values for additional parameters, repeat this procedure beginning at step b.

  8. If you want the job to execute on client computers that match a set of constraints, use the following procedure to define the constraints:

    1. On the Schedule Constraints tab in the bottom pane of the New Job window, move the cursor to the Dimension cell in the first empty row, and then select the dimension from the drop-down list that you want to compare.

    2. In the Operator column, select the operator that you want to use to compare the dimension to its value. The list of operators might vary depending on the dimension you selected:

      • Equals: The value of the dimension is equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Equals: The value of the dimension is not equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Less Than: The value of the dimension is less than the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Greater Than: The value of the dimension is greater than the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Less Than or Equal To: The value of the dimension is less than or equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Greater Than or Equal To: The value of the dimension is greater than or equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Contains: The value of the dimension contains the string that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Contains: The value of the dimension does not contain the string that you specify in the constraint.

      • Within: The value of the dimension is one of the values that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Within: The value of the dimension is not one of the values that you specify in the constraint.

      • Exists: The dimension is defined on the client computer.

      • Not Exists: The dimension is not defined on the client computer.

    3. In the Value column, enter the value to compare the dimension to.

      Note   If the operator is Within or Not Within, you must select the value from a list. If the operator is Exists or Not Exists, then do not enter a value.

  9. If you want the job to execute on multiple computers that match different sets of constraints, use the following procedure to provide values for the parameters:

    1. Select Add Mix on the Schedule Constraints tab.

      Note   You might have to expand the Schedule Job window to see the Add Mix button.

    2. In the Choose Mix Source dialog box, select Local for the Mix Source, select Simple for the Type, and then click OK.

    3. In the New Mix dialog box, type a name for the mix.

    4. In the Contexts tab, click Add.

    5. Type a name for the context in the Add Context dialog box.

      You should use a meaningful name for the context. When you examine the progress of the job by using Job Monitor, the context name for each instance of the job that is executing will be displayed.

    6. On the Constraints tab in the bottom pane of the Add Context dialog box, place the cursor in the Dimension cell in the first empty row and select the dimension that you want to compare from the drop-down list.

    7. In the Operator column, select the operator that you want to use to compare the dimension to its value. The list of operators might vary depending on the dimension you selected.

      • Equals: The value of the dimension is equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Equals: The value of the dimension is not equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Less Than: The value of the dimension is less than the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Greater Than: The value of the dimension is greater than the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Less Than or Equal To: The value of the dimension is less than or equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Greater Than or Equal To: The value of the dimension is greater than or equal to the value that you specify in the constraint.

      • Contains: The value of the dimension contains the string that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Contains: The value of the dimension does not contain the string that you specify in the constraint.

      • Within: The value of the dimension is one of the values that you specify in the constraint.

      • Not Within: The value of the dimension is not one of the values that you specify in the constraint.

      • Exists: The dimension is defined on the client computer.

      • Not Exists: The dimension is not defined on the client computer.

    8. In the Value column, enter the value to compare the dimension.

      Note   If the operator is Within or Not Within, you must select the value from a list. If the operator is Exists or Not Exists, do not enter a value.

    9. To add additional constraints to the context, repeat this procedure beginning at step f.

    10. If you want to add parameters to the context, select the Parameters tab and use the following procedure to add the parameters:

      1. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name column.

      2. In the Type column, select String.

        Note   Parameters can also have the type FileData. A FileData parameter represents a file whose contents you specify in the job. A separate instance of the file is copied to the client computer each time the job is executed. FileData parameters are used primarily to copy a script to a client computer and to reference the script in the task that runs it. For more information about using FileData parameters, see Using FileData Parameters.

      3. Type a description of what this parameter is used for in the Description column.

      4. If you want the user to be able to override the value of this parameter when the job is scheduled, select the ScheduleDisplay check box.

      5. In the Value column, enter the default value for this parameter. If you do not enter a value, the default will be an empty string.

        Note  Parameters can be nested. For example, you could define a parameter named ServerName and give it the value of "MyServer". You could define a second parameter named DataFileLocation and give it the value "\\[ServerName]\Test". You could then use DataFIleLocation within a task, for example, by using the command line:

        TestProgram.exe /datafile=[ DataFileLocation]

        When the task was executed, TestProgram.exe would receive a datafile argument with the value "\\MyServer\Test".

    11. When you have added all of the constraints and parameters to the context, click OK.

    12. To add each additional context, repeat this procedure beginning at step d.

    13. When you have added all of the contexts, click OK in the New Mix dialog box.

  10. To specify the result collection that should contain the job's results, in the Result Collection section of the Schedule Options tab, either type the name of the result collection or click ... to select an existing result collection.

  11. To control when the job executes, use the following procedure to provide the timing information:

    1. Click the Schedule Options tab.

    2. To execute the job immediately, select As soon as Possible as the value of Start trying to schedule this Job.

    3. To execute the job at a specific time, select No sooner Than as the value of Start trying to schedule this Job, and then enter the date and time at which to begin executing the job in the Date field.

    4. If you want DTM to stop trying to find a client computer on which to execute the job after a certain amount of time, enter the number of days, hours, and minutes after which to cancel the job in the Give up trying to schedule after fields.

    5. To automatically cancel the job if it is still executing after a certain amount of time, enter the number of days, hours, and minutes after which to cancel the job in the Time out and cancel any job in this schedule if it runs for more than field. If you don't want the job to time out, enter 0 days, 0 hours, and 0 minutes.

  12. If you want DTM to automatically execute configuration jobs to satisfy this job's constraints, select Use Smart Scheduler to dynamically add jobs to satisfy constraints of the Schedule Options tab.

  13. If you want to create an instance of the job to execute, but you want to trigger the job to execute at an arbitrary time in the future, select Manual in the Schedule Behavior section of the Schedule Options tab.

    Note   To release a job that has been scheduled as Manual and allow it to execute, right-click the job in Job Monitor and select Trigger Execution.

  14. To execute multiple instances of the job, select Multiplier count, and then enter a value greater than one.

  15. To have the results of this job excluded from the statistics that are displayed in the Result Rollup window, select This is a private run in the Additional Options section of the Schedule Options tab

  16. If you want DTM to send e-mail messages as the job executes, use the following procedure to provide details about the messages and recipients:

    1. Select the Mailing Options tab.

    2. In the Email field, type the e-mail address of the person to receive the e-mail message, for example,

    3. If you want a second person to receive the e-mail message, type that person's e-mail address in the CC field, for example

      Note   You can only enter one e-mail address in the Email field and one e-mail address in the CC field.

    4. Select all of the following situations in which you want to receive an e-mail message:

      • Result Collection completed to receive an e-mail message when the job finishes executing.

      • Job completed successfully to receive an e-mail message when all of the tasks in the job have finished running, if the job's status is Pass.

      • Job completed with Investigate status to receive an e-mail message when all of the tasks in the job have finished running, if the job's status is not Pass.

      • Infrastructure failure Notification to receive an e-mail message if the job could not be executed.

    Important   E-mail notifications will not work until you have configured the account from which the notifications will be sent. A procedure has not yet been provided to do this.



Build date: 9/14/2012