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DTM Logger Example Using Tactics Scripting

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The following code example shows the basics of using DTM Logger in Tactics scripting.

dim NameObj
dim Handle

Set NameObj = CreateObject("WTTLogger.Logger")

Handle = NameObj.CreateLogDevice("$LocalPub($LogFile:file=comtest;$Console;$Tactics)")

'  Test case ID
'  node path
'  Test case title -- set later
'  Hash key    
'  Created by
'  Modified by
'  Assigned to
'  Test type
'  Result type
'  Milestone
'  Priority
'  Test time
'  Comments
'  Method
'  Frequency
'  Description
'  Scripts
'  Log file path
'  Suite
'  Area
'  Component
'  Sub component
'  Dev
'  Test lead
'  Create only
'  Log only
'  Recursive

NameObj.Trace               _
    1024,                   _
    0,                      _
    -1,                     _
    "$\\DTM Logger\COM Test", _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    0,                      _
    1,                      _

NameObj.Trace               _
    2048,                   _
    0,                      _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _
    "3655.00",              _
    NULL,                   _
    NULL,                   _

NameObj.StartTest "DTM Logger COM Test", 0

NameObj.Trace 33554432, 0, "test.vbs", 12, "This is an assert"

NameObj.EndTest "DTM Logger COM Test", 1, "This is the repro line", 0

NameObj.CloseLogDevice NULL, Handle

See Also

Code Samples for DTM Logger



Build date: 9/14/2012