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Display Adapter and Chipset Testing Overview

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

The procedures that are presented in this section outline the process for testing your display adapter and chipset device for correct functionality with the Microsoft Windows operating system. These procedures test your product for correct functionality by using the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and the Driver Test Manager (DTM). To ensure full functionality, you must run all of the tests that DTM identifies as required for the device.

If the device that you are testing is multifunctional, you must complete the test procedures for each functionally independent, logical device. For example, a display adapter device that contains video input capability must complete the display tests and the video capture tests.

The test procedures in this section are divided into the following types of topics:

  • Overview: The overview topics describe the hardware, software, and tester knowledge requirements.

  • Preparing: The preparing topics describe how to configure the system or systems for Windows logo testing.

  • Running: The test procedure topics describe how to run to run each test in the WDK using the DTM.

Note   You must use the latest version of the WDK to compile your driver in order for it to pass testing and obtain a logo.

Display Adapter Tests

The list of tests you must run depend upon the capabilities of the device being tested. To see the complete list of tests that could be required for your device, see the display adapter category under $\WDK\Display\ in Job Explorer of the DTM.

Hardware Requirements

The following hardware is required in the machine pool for display adapter and chipset testing. This specific hardware fulfills the diversity requirements that demonstrate the stability of display drivers and chipsets:

  • At least two systems for every Discrete ASIC family in the INF file that is obtaining the logo. These systems must contain:

    • At least one AMD microprocessor system.
    • At least one Intel system with a dual microprocessor (such as the Intel Hyper-Threading microprocessor).
    • A linked display adapter (LDA) configuration to be used in the test bed for relevant display adapters.

    Note  Mobile and Integrated display adapters and chipsets are exempt from this requirement.

  • A minimum of two adapters for every ASIC family that is supported in the INF file. One of the adapters must support dual view and have a monitor attached and enabled.

  • A multi-sync display data channel standard, level 2B (DDC2B)-capable monitor with EDID 1.3 support on the test systems.

Note   Testing a device to obtain a logo for Server Device qualification requires that the system being used to test the device supports four processors and a minimum of 1 GB of RAM. These system capabilities are required for the "Dynamic Partitioning (DP) Simulator and Test" and the "Multiple Processor Group" test to run. You do not need a system that actually supports DP capabilities or has greater than 64 processors to test your device.

If a pool of systems is used to test devices, at least one system in the pool must contain four processors and a minimum of 1 GB of RAM. Additionally, that system must contain the device and driver being tested. As long as the driver is the same on all systems in the pool, the schedule will be created to run against all systems.

For those tests that do not include a driver to test, such as testing a hard drive, the Driver Test Manager (DTM) scheduler will constrain the DP test to run on the default system. This system should also be manually configured to have multiple processor groups. The default system is the first one listed. Test personnel, in this case, should ensure that this first system meets these minimum hardware requirements.

Note   Except for Para-Virtualization drivers (as defined by Logo Requirement Policy-0020), physical devices and their associated drivers being tested for Server Logo or Signature may not be tested in virtual machines using any form of virtualization. This is because not all virtualization products support the underlying functionality needed to pass the tests relating to Multiple Processor Groups, Device Power Management, Device PCI functionality, etc.

Software Requirements

  • All display adapters and chipsets must be running the same driver version that is being submitted for a logo.

  • The DisplayGroups.xml file that is located on the DTM controller must match the agreed upon Display/Chipset ASIC grouping and must be placed on each client system that you are using for the submission. For Premium logos, at least one ASIC family in DisplayGroups.xml must contain devices that all can pass the Premium tests.

  • To run the Fast User Switching (FUS) tests, make sure that the test system is not part of a domain. To verify this, right-click My Computer and click Properties. In the Computer Name tab, see if the computer is a part of a domain. If the computer is part of a domain, click Change, and then add the computer to a workgroup.

  • Disable power management and password protection before you start the testing.

  • For Microsoft Windows Server 2003 submissions, the client system must have the Hardware Acceleration slider set to full and be restarted before starting a submission.

  • Install Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 on Windows XP systems before you run the tests.

    Note  While you are installing Windows Media Player 10, the test system cannot be attached to a debugger or have debugging enabled. You can obtain Windows Media Player 10 from the Windows Media Player 10 Web site, and you can automate the setup for Windows Media Play 10 with the following command: mp10setup.exe /q.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 is supported.

Tester Knowledge Requirements

  • Install the operating system from the product CD.

  • Extend the desktop to a secondary display.

This section includes:

Preparing for Display Adapter and Chipset Testing

Running the Display Adapter and Chipset Tests



Build date: 9/14/2012