Complete DTM Logger Sample Using C#
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
The following code sample shows a typical use of the managed logger to log the start of a test case, a message, an error, and the end of a test case.
using System;
using System.IO;
//for logger namespace
using Microsoft.Wtt.Log;
namespace testApp
class TestCase
public TestCase(){}
public bool InitializeTestCase(string initializationFileName)
// Perform initialization
return true;
class MainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
WttLogger Logger = new WttLogger("$LogFile;$Console");
// Start a test case
Logger.StartTest("Test 1 - Testing Tracing functions");
Logger.Trace(new LevelError(0x3,ErrorType.Win32,"break"));
// Trace machine info
// Trace a message by using a message string
Logger.Trace(new LevelMessage("Testing Tracing Messages"));
// Trace a message by using a user object only
TestCase userObject = new TestCase();
Logger.Trace(new LevelMessage(userObject));
// Trace a message by using a user object and a message string
Logger.Trace(new LevelMessage("Testing Tracing Messages with user Objects",userObject));
// Trace a normal error
Logger.Trace(new LevelError(0x3,ErrorType.Win32, "Testing Tracing Errors"));
// Generate IOException
catch(Exception exp)
// Trace an exception error
Logger.Trace(new LevelError(exp));
// End test case
Logger.EndTest("Test 1 - Testing Tracing functions", 0, null);
See Also
Build date: 9/14/2012