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Bluetooth Controller Testing Overview

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

These procedures test your Bluetooth controllers for correct functionality by using the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and the Driver Test Manager (DTM). To ensure full functionality, you must run all of the tests that the DTM identifies as required for the device. If your product provides bus-specific support, you must run the appropriate bus-specific tests in addition to the standard tests.

The test procedures are divided into the following types of topics:

  • Overview: The overview topics describe the hardware, software, and tester knowledge requirements.

  • Preparing: The preparing topics describe how to configure the system or systems for Windows logo testing.

  • Running: The running topics describe how to run the tests for your device or system.

Note   You must use the latest version of the WDK to compile your driver in order for it to pass testing and obtain a logo.

Bluetooth Controller Tests

The tests that must run depend on the capabilities of the device or system that is being tested. The following list contains all of the tests that you might need for your test device:

  • Bluetooth - point to point

  • Bluetooth - Scatternet

  • Bluetooth - SCO

Run time: approximately 1-2 hours

Note  The test descriptions are included in a separate section.

Hardware Requirements

The following hardware is required for Bluetooth controller testing. You might need additional hardware if the test device provides bus-specific support.

  • Three test systems that are connected over TCP/IP.

  • Two Bluetooth control devices (such as those provided by Cambridge Silicon Radio and Broadcom) that have received Windows logos.

  • One USB 2.0 High-speed hub for each system that is being tested to meet the requirements of the USB Device Framework (CV) Test and USB HIDView (CV) Test.

Software Requirements

The following software is required to run the Bluetooth controller tests:

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Vista

  • Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2)

  • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

  • Any drivers that are not shipped with the operating system

  • The current release of the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK)

Tester Knowledge Requirements

To run the Bluetooth controller tests, testers must know how to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Install the test Bluetooth controller, if the controller is not embedded on the motherboard.

  • Install the Bluetooth subordindate devices on the other test systems.

  • Install the operating system from the product CD.

  • Launch tests from the Device Console in DTM Studio.

After you have reviewed the necessary requirements, you can prepare to test your Bluetooth Controller device.

Windows Marketplace Tested Products List

Windows Debugging Tools

Windows Symbol Files



Build date: 9/14/2012