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IHxHelpPane Interface

The IHxHelpPane interface is a dual interface that serves as a proxy for interaction with the Help Pane. You use IHxHelpPane to display tasks and content hierarchies, and to perform queries on content.


IHxHelpPane can only be used to display the Windows Help content set. Displaying content that is not part of the Windows Help content set is not supported.

For Windows 10 and subsequent versions of the Windows operating system, these methods open browser-based online resources instead of the Windows Help content set.

IHxHelpPane : IDispatch


Method Description

IHxHelpPane::DisplayContents Method

Displays the Help Pane and renders the top-level of the hierarchical taxonomy (table of contents).

IHxHelpPane::DisplaySearchResults Method

Displays the Help Pane, performs a query based on the passed value, and displays the results.

IHxHelpPane::DisplayTask Method

Displays a topic in the Help Pane, based on the passed URI value.


Type Library: HelpPaneProxy.dll

See Also

Other Resources

Help Pane API Overview