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Test workflow and project detail pages in Project Server 2010


Applies to: Project Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-11-10

Summary:  The ninth article in a series of nine articles about how to test a Microsoft Project Server 2010 deployment as an enterprise project management system administrator or solution tester. Use the series as a guide to test the functionality of a newly deployed Project Server 2010 instance. The articles in this series discuss the functionalities that are on the Server Settings page, and some initial tests that you can run to connect and check server communications by using the Project Professional 2010 client application.


  • Enterprise Project Types

  • Next steps

Enterprise Project Types

Enterprise Project Types are a way to group phases, stages, a single workflow, business drivers, and project detail pages. Before project managers can use Enterprise Project Types when they create a project or proposal, a site administrator must define them in Microsoft Project Web App.

Test Step Expected / Desired Results Actual Results (if deviation)

1. Open Project Web App.

The Project Web App loads.

2. Click Server Settings.

The Server Settings page appears.

3. Click Enterprise Project Types.

    (Located in the Workflow and Project Detail Pages section.)

The Enterprise Project Types appear.

4. Select New Enterprise Project Type.

Navigates to the Add Enterprise Project Type page.

5. In the Name, specify a name for the Enterprise Project Type.

6. In the Description field, type a description for the Enterprise Project Type.

7. In the Site Workflow Association field, choose a site workflow association for this Project Workflow.

    For a ‘Site Workflow' to appear in the list, you must install and configure it on the Microsoft Project Server computer.


Once you select an association it cannot be changed.

8. Choose the New Project Page for this enterprise project type.

  • This is the first Project Detail Page that users see after you create new projects in the Project Center.

  • If the 'No Workflow' option is selected as the Site Workflow Association, choose the Project Detail Pages that users see after the project is created.

  • The 'New Project Page' might also be visible after project creation. If any other option is selected as the Site Workflow Association, the Project Detail Pages are determined dynamically by the associated workflow.

9. Select the check box to choose whether this is the default Enterprise Project Type for Project creation.

    The default Enterprise Project Type is used if no type is specified during Project Creation.


Making this default automatically clears all the departments. The default Enterprise Project Type cannot have a Project Plan Template associated with it.

10. Choose the Department association for this Enterprise Project Type.


This department association is used only for filtering the Enterprise Project Types on the Project Center and not for security.

Click the button with the ellipsis (…) on it to display a list of departments.

11. Specify an image for the Enterprise Project Type.


If you want to use an image that is located on your computer, you must first upload the image to an online document library such as the Shared Documents library in Project Web App, and then specify the image URL from there.

12. Select Order to determine the position that Enterprise Project Types display in the New button in the Project Center.

13. Choose a template to use when you create projects with this Enterprise Project Type.

     If the drop-down list shows None only, there are no templates available.

     To create project plan templates, use Project Professional 2010 connected to the server.


  • Avoid non-generic assignments in the project plan template; all assigned tasks are published when a project is being created.

  • The default Enterprise Project Type cannot have a Project Plan Template associated with it.

  • This template list is not filtered by department.

14. Choose a Project Site Template to use to create the project site.

15. Click Save.

The page navigates back to the Enterprise Project Types list. The newly saved Enterprise Project Type appears in the list.