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Run Migration Script 4 to capture all Project Server 2003 projects with associated project workspaces


Applies to: Project Server 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2012-03-15

Migration Script 4 is one of several migration scripts included in the Project Server virtual migration environment (VME) to assist in migrating your Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 data. Run Script 4 to take a data snapshot of the Project Server 2003 database from the Project table and then store the data in a table created dynamically within the script. Script 4 lists all projects in the Project Server 2003 database that have an associated project workspace site. This data is saved to a table in the ProjectServer_Migration_Data_Validation database and can be compared to post-migration results to verify whether all Project Server 2003 projects with associated workspaces have been migrated and relinked.


This script is one of several pre-migration scripts included in the Project Server virtual migration environment (VME). Running the scripts is optional, but highly recommended for helping to detect issues that may prevent a successful migration of your data. For more information about the pre-migration scripts that are available, see Project Server VME: Run pre-migration scripts (optional).

To run Script 4

  1. On the VME desktop, click Start Migration Process. This opens a Windows Explorer window that displays the contents of drive E.

  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click the following folder:

    • If you have one Project Server 2003 database, open the Migrate_Proj_2003_Single_DB folder.

    • If you have split Project Server 2003 databases, open Migrate_Proj_2003_Split_DB.

  3. Open the Verification Scripts folder, and then click VME Script 4.sql. This opens SQL Server Management Studio and displays Script 4.

  4. Click Execute to run the script.

  5. The results from the script are saved to the ProjectServer_Migration_Data_Validation database in the table named dbo.Migration_PS2003_ProjectWorkspaces.

Script 4

Script 4 contains the following code:

-- Script A4: Capture WSS2 Project Workspaces Data Snapshot
-- List all Projects 2003 with Associated WSS workspace sites
-- Updated the USE statement to point to the Project Server 2003 database
USE ProjectServer_Migration_Data_Validation
IF EXISTS (SELECT id FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'Migration_PS2003_ProjectWorkspaces')
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
DROP TABLE dbo.Migration_PS2003_ProjectWorkspaces
USE ProjectServer_2003

      INTO ProjectServer_Migration_Data_Validation.dbo.Migration_PS2003_ProjectWorkspaces