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IT deployment options for migration to Project Server 2007

This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see , Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14

In this article:

  • IT deployment prior to migration

  • IT deployment steps for a full migration

  • IT deployment steps for a gradual migration

This article separates the full and gradual migration scenarios into eight separate deployment options. You may customize these deployment options or break them down further — but these eight options should help you get started on a detailed migration plan. We recommend that you choose one of the eight options and read the rest of the migration guide with your option in mind. (You can skip the sections not relevant to your option).

IT deployment prior to migration

The following illustration is an example of a scenario in which the Sales and IT departments of an organization both access Microsoft Office Project Server 2003. To connect to Project Server 2003, project managers use Project Professional 2003, and all other Project users connect through Microsoft Office Project Web Access. Subsequent illustrations in this article reflect changes that occur to this deployment.


Both the Sales and IT departments share the same instance of Project Server 2003; therefore they share the same enterprise data, such as the enterprise global and enterprise resource pools. If each department uses its own Project Server 2003 instance, then the Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 migration process does not support merging them into one single Office Project Server 2007 installation.

Prior to migration: Project Server 2003

IT deployment steps for a full migration

In a full migration approach, all data from Project Server 2003 is migrated to Office Project Server 2007 at one time. This includes enterprise global data, enterprise resources, projects, and so on. All users completely move over to Office Project Server 2007 after the migration.

In a full migration, the Project Server 2003 data and installation remain untouched (Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 can coexist on the same computer). The migration does not write to the Project Server 2003 database. After migration, the administrator can verify whether everything is functional, then choose to manually uninstall Project Server 2003. If migration fails, the administrator can revert to the Project Server 2003 configuration.

We recommend that if you are planning on a full migration of projects, you do a full migration of Windows SharePoint Services data as well so that the data is in sync.


In the illustration below, the company has migrated project data from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007, affecting both the Sales and IT departments. Following are the implications:

  • Project managers from both departments must upgrade from Project Professional 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 in order to access their projects.

  • Office Project Web Access users from both departments must start using the Project Web Access URLs for Office Project Server 2007 in order to connect to Office Project Server 2007.

  • All users need to be trained on the new Office Project Server 2007 system.

    Full migration

    After the full migration is complete, the customer has the option of removing Project Server 2003, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, and Project Professional 2003.

After full migration

The following sections explain the various options an IT administrator has for a full migration.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

This process involves the following steps:

Project Server 2003 full migration to WSS2

  1. Using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 installation media, install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with the In-place upgrade option. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) After the installation process, the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installation will no longer exist — it will have been upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. This process migrates all the Windows SharePoint Services data associated with Project Server 2003 and creates a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm. Note that after you complete this step, the migrated workspaces will still not function. (The corresponding Office Project Server 2007 Windows SharePoint Services templates are not yet installed; the templates will be installed with Office Project Server 2007).

  2. Install Office Project Server 2007 into the farm created in step 1 and create an instance of Project Web Access. For more information on installing Office Project Server 2007 and creating an instance of Project Web Access, see Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment. After this step, the migrated project workspaces work, but the links between tasks, projects, and assignments and Windows SharePoint Services issues, risks, and documents are not yet upgraded.

  3. Migrate and publish Project Server 2003 projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. The fixing of links occurs as part of the project publishing process, so the migrated projects have to be published for the fixes to happen.

  4. Uninstall Project Server 2003.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

Note that this option involves a set of complex steps. We recommend that you follow the simpler "Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)" option, if possible.

While we recommend avoiding this option, here are some possible reasons for following this option:

  • Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 was installed on hardware that is now outdated. You want to retire the hardware and install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on new hardware.

  • You are more comfortable with creating the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm from scratch (with new settings) rather than upgrading from the existing Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 farm.

This process involves the following steps:

Full migration with Windows SharePoint Services

  1. Install Office Project Server 2007 on the new computer: After installation, also provision a new Project Web Access site and make sure the new installation works correctly.

  2. Run the Windows SharePoint Services pre-upgrade scanning tool on the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 SP2 farm. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) This process prepares the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database for upgrade to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

  3. Attach a copy of all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database to the Office Project Server 2007 farm: Once attached, the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites in the content database are upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. We recommend that a copy of the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content database be upgraded — not the original content database. At the end of this step, all the Project 2003 workspaces will have been upgraded to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, but they are not yet linked to the projects.

  4. Migrate and publish projects: As projects are published, the links between projects, tasks, and assignments and the Windows SharePoint Services items are fixed.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

If you do not have Windows SharePoint Services integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. It involves the following steps:

  1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. (For more information, see the Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment.) Provision an instance of Project Web Access. If you want Windows SharePoint Services to take over the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual server that was hosting Project Server 2003, then you must create a number of "managed paths" to exclude the Project Web Access virtual directories. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article named How to enable an ASP.NET application to run on a SharePoint virtual server (\&clcid=0x409).

  2. Migrate and publish all the projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information, see Performing migration.)

  3. Once the migration is verified, uninstall Project Server 2003.

Full migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

If you do not have Windows SharePoint Services integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. It involves the following steps:

  1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. (For more information, see Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment.)

  2. Migrate and publish all the projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information, see Performing migration.)

IT deployment steps for a gradual migration

The gradual migration approach moves a subset of projects from Project Server 2003 to Office Project Server 2007. In this approach, both Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 are available side-by-side. We recommend that if you are planning on a gradual migration of projects, you do a gradual migration of Windows SharePoint Services data as well so that the data is in sync.

A typical scenario for gradual migration is an organization wanting to perform a scheduled, gradual deployment of Office Project Server 2007 to different departments over time. A gradual migration also gives administrators more control over the release process. If something wrong happens in the first phase, administrators can correct it before deploying more broadly.

We highly recommend that you not be in a side-by-side scenario for an extended period of time.


In the illustration below, the company elects to migrate the IT department projects to Office Project Server 2007 while keeping the Sales department projects in Project Server 2003. Following are the implications:

  • Project managers in the IT department need to upgrade from Project Professional 2003 to Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 in order to access their projects. Note that typically they would not have any need for Project Professional 2003 and would be uninstalling it (because ordinarily a computer has only one version of the Project Professional client on it at a time).


    In some cases, you may want the same project manager to access projects in Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007. In that case, the individual should install Office Project Server 2007 without uninstalling Project Professional 2003. (This configuration is supported). This way, from the same computer that person can access both versions of Project Server.

  • Project Web Access users in the IT department need to use the Office Project Server 2007 Project Web Access URL.

  • Users in the Sales department are unaffected. They will still be using Project Professional 2003 and the Project Server 2003 Project Web Access URLs.

Deployment options for Proj Server 2007

After the IT department users are successfully migrated to Office Project Server 2007, the Sales department users are also migrated. And the Project Server 2003 and Project Professional 2003 applications should be uninstalled.

After full migration


In a gradual migration scenario, both Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 are being used simultaneously. But global data is migrated only once. So a process has to be put in place to restrict and track global data changes on Project Server 2003 after the first migration run. These changes have to be applied manually to Office Project Server 2007.

The sections below explain the various options an IT administrator has for a gradual migration.

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

We recommend this gradual migration option, because it simple and easy to implement. It involves the following steps:

Project Server 2007 migration deployment options

  1. Using the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 installation media, install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with the Gradual upgrade option. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.) After the installation, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 exists side-by-side with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

  2. Install Office Project Server 2007 and join the existing Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 farm and provision an instance of Project Web Access. (For more information, see the Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment.)

  3. Upgrade the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 workspaces for the projects that will be gradually migrated. You can do this by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

  4. Migrate and publish the projects corresponding to the workspaces that were upgraded in the previous step. This step fixes the links between project items and the Windows SharePoint Services items.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every batch of projects or workspaces to migrated. When all of them have been migrated, you can uninstall Project Server 2003 and Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.


In order to continue creating Project 2003 workspaces on Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, administrators need to make a change to the Default Provisioning Settings of Project Server 2003. As part of the gradual upgrade process, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 takes over all the virtual servers used by Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, relocates the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 sites to other temporarily created virtual servers and redirects the links (with the assumption that eventually all the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 content will be migrated to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0). These temporary virtual servers need to be used for the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 site creation. (For more information, see Upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.)

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)


This is a very complex option involving several manual steps. Depending on the way Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 is configured, you may face additional complications. We recommend that you do not use this deployment option. Consider other options listed in this section instead.
For details on how to perform this gradual migration scenario, see Performing a gradual migration: Project Server 2003 with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on a different computer).

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (on the same computer)

If you do not have SharePoint integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. In this option, Project Server 2003 and Office Project Server 2007 can co-exist in the same computer. This is an option for customers who want to maximize their hardware investment. It involves the following steps:

  1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. Provision an instance of Project Web Access. (For more information, see Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment.) If you want Windows SharePoint Services to take over the Internet Information Services (IIS) virtual server that was hosting Project Server 2003, then you must create a number of "managed paths" to exclude the Project Web Access virtual directories. For more information, see the Knowledge Base article named How to enable an ASP.NET application to run on a SharePoint virtual server (\&clcid=0x409).

  2. Migrate and publish a subset of projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information on the migration tool, see Performing migration.)

  3. When you have verified that the migration was successful, make the migrated projects read-only in Project Server 2003.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every batch of projects migrated. When all the projects have been migrated, you can uninstall Project Server 2003.

Gradual migration: Project Server 2003 without Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 (to a different computer)

If you do not have Windows SharePoint Services integration in Project Server 2003, the migration process is vastly simplified. This is an option for people who want a clean install of Office Project Server 2007. It involves the following steps:

  1. Install Office Project Server 2007. Choose to create a new farm during setup. Provision an instance of Project Web Access. (For more information, see Deploy Project Server 2007 to a server farm environment.)

  2. Migrate and publish a subset of projects to Office Project Server 2007 by using the migration tool. (For more information on the Migration tool, see Performing migration).

  3. Once migration is verified, make the migrated projects read-only in Project Server 2003.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every batch of projects migrated. When all the projects have been migrated, you can uninstall Project Server 2003.

Download this book

This topic is included in the following downloadable book for easier reading and printing:

See the full list of available books at Downloadable content for Project Server 2007.

See Also


Project Server 2007 cross-version compatibility