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Add Administrative Time categories

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Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14

Project plans historically encompass assignments that include planned work. Team members actively record the labor. There were also factors that affect the assignment, such as vacation, meetings, or sick time. These factors must be tracked as part of the utilization.

In Microsoft Project Central 2000 and Microsoft Project Server 2002, the timesheet includes a non-working section where users enter time for these types of tasks. While this information affects the user’s ability to be assigned work during the identified time, it cannot be labeled or reported on. Consequently, the history is lost for future planning.

Administrative Projects was introduced in Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003 and Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 as a dedicated plan to track tasks that have no end dates, such as vacation, meetings, or sick time. Unlike enterprise projects, Administrative Projects do not have planned work and are non-effort driven.

Project Server 2003 introduced the Administrative Time Template, which provides a list of tasks such as Vacation, Sick Time, and so on. Though an administrative task such as vacation is not considered to be a traditional task assignment, it allows Team Members to record their utilization through actual work in Project Web Access (PWA). The hours are then updated in PWA to the administrative plan in Project Professional. The history is saved. Users can also report on the history.

"Non-project time" and "administrative tasks" (from Project Server 2002 and 2003, respectively) are part of the new Timesheet feature in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 called Administrative Time with non-working and working sub-types. Administrative Time is tracked in the Timesheet as part of the utilization, in addition to published assignments and new line items. Administrative Time is identified by the Project Name of Administrative. Visually there is a line separator in the Timesheet to separate Administrative Time line items from other task line items.

According to the pre-defined timesheet period, users can record their Administrative Time on their timesheet. For example, if a team member is on vacation or is sick, the hours are entered in the Timesheet. The Timesheet Manager either approves or rejects the timesheet when it is submitted. The Administrative "non-working" Time is updated to the project plan as a calendar exception after the timesheet is approved. For "working time," the approved administrative task is updated as actual work in the administrative plan (as in Office Project Professional 2003).

New Category

Perform the following steps to open the Edit or Create Administrative Time pages in which you can add additional Administrative Time categories:

  1. Log in to Project Server with an Administrator account.

  2. Click Server Settings.

  3. In the Time and Task Management section, click Administrative Time.

  4. Click New Category.

The following parameters within the Administrative Time grid are specified for the new category:

  • Categories. The name of the Administrative Time categories, such as Vacation, Jury Duty, and Training.

  • Status. Two options: Open or Closed, can be applied to the category. The category is available to users when they create their timesheet with an Open status. If a user chooses Closed, the category is not available to add to the timesheet.

  • Work Type. Two options: Non Work and Working, can be applied to the category. There are certain administrative categories where no work is involved, such as Jury Duty, Holiday, Bereavement, Civic Duty, Military Duty, and Family Leave. These categories are considered to be time off from productivity or non-work type. When utilization is recorded for these administrative times, the hours that are not worked are recorded in the timesheet. Training and Administrative is a special type of work productivity that is applied to the user's utilization. These are considered to be work type administrative time categories.

  • Approve. With the option set to Yes, the Administrative Time requires approval before the timesheet is submitted to the Timesheet Approver.

  • Always Display. When team members create their timesheets and use the default settings, the categories that are marked Always Display are automatically included in the timesheet and do not require preplanning.

When they are defined, Administrative Time categories are available for team members to add to their timesheet and record their utilization for the timesheet period.

Sample Administrative Time categories

By default, Administrative Time categories include Sick time, Vacation, and Administrative. However, each customer may have additional entries. For example:

  • Jury Duty

  • Holiday

  • Bereavement

  • Civic Duty (for example, Jury Duty)

  • Military Duty

  • Family Leave

  • Training

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