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Stagingdb: Planning Command Utility operation

Updated: 2009-04-30

Use the stagingdb command to synchronize data between an application staging database and an application database. Details of using a staging database can be found in Data integration process.


ppscmd stagingdb [switches]

Command switches


Parameter Required? Description

/server <ServerUri>


Specifies the server URI to connect to. The defaults are those used by Planning Business Modeler.

/path <Path>


Specifies the path to the object that defines the scope of the staging operation.

/operation <Operation>


Specifies the staging database operation: CreateStaging | RefreshStaging | SynchronizeData | LoadDataFromStaging.


The /operation switch for the stagingdb command is case-sensitive.

/collection <Collection>


Specifies the collection: Synching Dimensions | Models | Synching and loading Associations.

/currentsite <CurrentSite>


Specifies the owner site for the data that is loaded. This switch is used only with LoadDataFromStaging when loading dimensions.


The following flag provides additional instructions to the server when used with the stagingdb command.

Flag Description


If this switch is specified, it will skip validation during data load.

Return value



The first example shows how to synchronize all associations related to an application. The second example shows how to load all associations related to an application.

After the source staging database has been restored to the destination staging database, you must synchronize the data to the application database. The following command-line example shows how to synchronize all associations with the stagingdb command.

ppscmd stagingdb /operation SynchronizeData /server https://localhost:46787 /path alpine_ski_house /collection associations

Before loading associations to the destination application database, you must run the bsp_DI_ResetSystemColumnsForAssociations stored procedure, which resets the BizSystemFlag value to 0 and the BizSystemErrorDetails value to NULL. You must explicitly set the BizSystemFlag to 200 to indicate rows that will load and run the bsp_DI_ConvertLabelColumnToMemberIdForAssociation stored procedure. The following command-line example shows how to load all associations for a related application that uses the stagingdb command.

ppscmd stagingdb /operation loaddatafromstaging /server https://localhost:46787 /path alpine_ski_house /collection associations

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See Also