Configure Transport Settings Properties
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2
Transport settings define how all Hub Transport servers running Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 function in your organization. The options configured are used by all Hub Transport servers.
Looking for other management tasks related to transport servers? Check out Managing Transport Servers.
What Do You Want to Do?
Use the EMC to configure global transport settings
Use the Shell to configure global transport settings
Use the EMC to configure global transport settings
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Transport configuration" entry in the Transport Permissions topic.
In the console tree, navigate to Organization Configuration > Hub Transport.
In the result pane, select the Global Settings tab, and then double-click Transport Settings.
Use the General tab to configure the transport limits and transport dumpster settings for all Hub Transport servers in your Exchange organization:
Maximum receive size (KB) This field specifies the maximum message size that can be received by recipients in the organization. The default value is 10240 KB. The valid input range is from 0 through 2097151 KB. If you clear the check box next to Maximum receive size (KB), no limit is imposed on the message size that can be received by recipients in the organization.
Maximum send size (KB) This field specifies the maximum message size that can be sent by senders in the organization. The default value is 10240 KB. The valid input range is from 0 through 2097151 KB. If you clear the check box next to Maximum send size (KB), no limit is imposed on the message size that can be sent by senders in the organization.
Maximum number of recipients This field specifies the maximum number of recipients in a message. The default is 5000. The valid input range is from 0 through 2147483647. If you clear the check box next to Maximum number of recipients, no limit is imposed on the number of recipients in a message. Exchange 2010 treats an unexpanded distribution group as one recipient.
Maximum size per mailbox database (MB) This field specifies the maximum size of the transport dumpster for each mailbox database. The default value is 18 MB. The valid input range for this parameter is from 0 through 2097151 MB.
To enable the transport dumpster, the value of Maximum size per mailbox database (MB) must be greater than 0, and the value of Maximum retention time (days) must be greater than 0.
Maximum retention time (days) This field specifies how long an e-mail message should remain in the transport dumpster. The default value is 7 days. The valid input range is from 0 through 24855 days.
To enable the transport dumpster, the value of Maximum size per mailbox database (MB) must be greater than 0, and the value of Maximum retention time (days) must be greater than 0.
Specify the external postmaster address This field specifies the e-mail address used as the sender for system generated messages and notifications sent to senders external to your organization.
Use the Message Delivery tab to configure the IP addresses of internal SMTP servers installed in your perimeter network that are exempt from Sender ID and connection filtering. You can also configure the delivery status notification (DSN) codes that are monitored for internal senders. The non-delivery reports (NDRs) that correspond to these DSNs are copied to the postmaster mailbox.
NDRs are copied to the postmaster mailbox only when a mailbox is assigned to the Microsoft Exchange recipient. By default, no mailbox is assigned to the Microsoft Exchange recipient.
On the Message Delivery tab, configure the following:
Enter the IP addresses for servers deployed in the perimeter and the range of IP addresses for your organization. These IP addresses will be ignored by Sender ID and connection filtering Use this list to specify the IP addresses of the SMTP servers deployed in the perimeter of your organization:
Add - IP Address To enter an IP address without a subnet mask, or to specify the subnet mask by using Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) notation, click Add or the drop-down arrow located next to Add and select IP Address. In the Add Internal SMTP Server IP Address dialog box, enter the IP address directly or specify a subnet using the CIDR notation. For example, if you enter, only that host is added to the list of perimeter servers, but if you specify, the entire class C subnet of is designated as your perimeter network, and messages from any server on that network aren't subject to Sender ID or connection filtering.
Add - IP and Mask To enter an IP address or subnet together with a subnet mask in dotted decimal notation, click the drop-down arrow located next to Add and select IP and Mask. In the Add Internal SMTP Server - IP and Mask dialog box, specify the IP address and the subnet mask.
Add - IP Range To specify an IP address range by using the first IP address and the last IP address in the range, click the drop-down arrow located next to Add and select IP Range. In the Add Internal SMTP Server IP Address - IP Range dialog box, specify the start and end addresses of the IP address range.
- **Edit** To modify a previously added IP address, select the IP address and click **Edit**.
- **Remove** To remove an existing entry from the IP Block list, select the entry, and then click .gif "Remove icon").
**Enter the delivery status notification (DSN) codes that are monitored for internal senders. NDRs with these DSN codes will be forwarded to the postmaster e-mail account** Specify the DSN codes monitored for internal senders. Any NDRs with these DSN codes are copied to the mailbox of the Microsoft Exchange recipient. You can do the following:
- **Add** To add a DSN code, enter the 3-digit DSN code as **x.y.z**, and then click **Add**.
- **Edit** To edit an existing DSN code, select the DSN code, and then click **Edit**.
**Remove** To remove an existing DSN code, select the DSN code, and then click .gif "Remove icon").
Use the Shell to configure global transport settings
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Transport configuration" entry in the Transport Permissions topic.
You use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet to configure the global transport settings in your organization. Unlike the EMC, which allows you to configure only the most commonly used properties of global settings, the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet allows you to configure all the global settings that define how your transport servers function.
The following are a few examples of how you can use this cmdlet.
You can use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet to change the MaxDumpsterSizePerDatabase parameter settings for the transport dumpster. We recommend that you configure the maximum size per database (the MaxDumpsterSizePerdatabase parameter) to be 1.5 times the size of the largest message that can be sent. For example, if the maximum messages size is 10 megabytes (MB), you should set the value for the MaxDumpsterSizePerDatabase parameter to 15 MB. For organizations that don’t have maximum message sizes, we recommend that you set the value for the maximum size per database to 1.5 times the size of the average-sized message that’s sent in the organization.
This example configures to be the e-mail address that is used as the sender for NDRs and other system generated messages to senders outside your organization.
Set-TransportConfig -ExternalPostmasterAddress
This example enables shadow redundancy for your organization.
Set-TransportConfig -ShadowRedundancyEnabled $true
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Set-TransportConfig.
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