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The length property retrieves the number of items in the collection.
Long = WMRMMeteringActionCollection.length
This property takes no parameters.
Return Values
If the property succeeds, it returns a Long containing the number of items in the collection. If it fails, it returns a number in the error object.
This property is read-only.
This value indicates the number of actions that were metered.
Example Code
' Declare variables.
Dim MObj ' WMRMMetering object
Dim MDataObj ' WMRMMeteringData object
Dim MContentCollObj ' WMRMMeteringContentCollection object
Dim MContentObj ' WMRMMeteringContent object
Dim MActionCollObj ' WMRMMeteringActionCollection object
Dim MActionObj ' WMRMMeteringAction object
Dim MeterChallenge ' Metering challenge from the client
Dim MASPrivateKey ' Private key of the metering aggregation service
Dim MeterCert ' Metering certificate
Dim MeterXMLString ' Metering data in XML format
Dim MeterID ' Metering ID
Dim TransID ' Transaction ID
Dim ContentCollLength ' Number of items in the content collection
Dim ContentKeyID ' Key ID for a content item
Dim ActionCollLength ' Number of items in the action collection
Dim ActionName ' Action name
Dim ActionValue ' Action count
Dim MeterResponseString ' Metering response string
Dim x, y ' Counters
' Set variables.
MeterChallenge = "<Replace with a metering challenge from the client>"
MeterCert = "<Replace with your metering certificate>"
MASPrivateKey = "<Replace with the private key for your service>"
' Extract metering data an a WMRMMeteringData object and as an XML string.
Set MObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMMetering")
MObj.ServerPrivateKey = MASPrivateKey
MObj.Challenge = MeterChallenge
Set MDataObj = MObj.GetMeteringData
Set MeterXMLString = MObj.GetMeteringDataAsXml
MeterID = MDataObj.MeteringId
TransID = MDataObj.TransactionId
' Retrieve the collection of content items.
Set MContentCollObj = MDataObj.ContentCollection
ContentCollLength = MContentCollObj.length
' Retrieve the key ID and action data for each content item.
For x = 0 To (ContentCollLength - 1)
Set MContentObj = MContentCollObj.item(x)
ContentKeyID = MContentObj.KeyID
' Retrieve the collection of actions for the current content item.
Set MActionCollObj = MContentObj.Actions
ActionCollLength = MActionCollObj.length
' Retrieve each action and its value.
For y = 0 To ActionCollLength - 1
Set MActionObj = MActionCollObj.item(y)
ActionName = MActionObj.Name
ActionValue = MActionObj.Value
' Generate the metering response.
MObj.MeteringCertificate = MeterCert
MeterResponseString = MObj.GetMeteringResponse
Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK
Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library
Library: wmrmobjs.dll
Platform: Windows Server 2003
See Also