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BaseRichControl Class

This class splits rendering into three paths: UpLevel, DownLevel, and Designer (the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Editor).


Visual Basic MustInherit  Public  Class BaseRichControl Inherits WebControl
C# public   abstract  class BaseRichControl : WebControl
Managed C++ public:  __gc __abstract  class BaseRichControl :  public WebControl
JScript public   abstract  class BaseRichControl extends WebControl

Inheritance Hierarchy





This class also provides access to the common files path, and provides a resource manager. With Windows Internet Explorer WebControls, an uplevel browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, and a downlevel browser is Internet Explorer 5.01 or earlier or a browser other than Internet Explorer.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the BaseRichControl object.

Property Description
IsDesignMode Retrieves a value that indicates whether the site is currently using the Visual Studio .NET Editor.
IsUpLevelBrowser Retrieves a value that indicates whether the browser is uplevel.
RenderPath Retrieves the ID of the rendering path being used.
ResourceManager Retrieves a ResourceManager object for this assembly.
Method Description
AddPathToFilename Adds the name of the file to the file path.
CreateLevelChecker Creates the BrowserLevelChecker object used to determine uplevel and downlevel browsers. Override to return a custom BrowserLevelChecker.
GetStringResource Retrieves a string resource from a ResourceManager object.
Render Directs content to an HtmlTextWriter output stream.
RenderDesignerPath Implements the rendering path for the Visual Studio .NET Editor.
RenderDownLevelPath Implements the rendering path for downlevel browsers. With WebControls, a downlevel browser is Internet Explorer 5.01 or earlier or a browser other than Internet Explorer.
RenderUpLevelPath Implements the rendering path for uplevel browsers. With WebControls, an uplevel browser is Internet Explorer 5.5 or later.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls