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TABSTRIP Element | TabStrip Object

Adds a TabStrip element behavior to the document.


HTML <namespace:TABSTRIP ... >

Possible Values

namespace Prefix that associates a custom tag with an XML namespace. This prefix is set using the XMLNS attribute of the html tag.


The TabStrip control enables a menu-like selection of topics.

The TabStrip control is tightly connected to a second type of Windows Internet Explorer WebControls: the MULTIPAGE control. The MULTIPAGE control links a TAB to a page view.

The TabStrip control is declared within the <TabStrip> tags. Most style and property attributes of the TabStrip control are optional. By setting the style and/or property attributes, you can set the default styles and/or properties for all TABs and TABSEPARATORs. However, the style and/or property attributes can be overwritten within each TAB or TABSEPARATOR tags. This provides authors with greater flexibility when creating a personalized TabStrip control.

A TABSTRIP can start and end with special TABSEPARATORs to indicate the beginning and end of the TABSTRIP. You can also use the TABSEPARATOR element to separate TABs on the TABSTRIP.

This element is a block element.

This element requires a closing tag.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the TabStrip object.

Attribute Property Description
numItems Retrieves the number of items in the TabStrip.
numTabs Retrieves the number of Tabs in a TabStrip.
ORIENTATION Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the alignment of the object within the document.
selectedIndex Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the index of the selected object.
SEPDEFAULTIMAGEURL Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the URL of the image as default for all inactive separators.
SEPDEFAULTSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the default style for all inactive separators.
SEPHOVERIMAGEURL Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the URL of the image for the TABSTRIP element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
SEPHOVERSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style of the TABSTRIP element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
SEPSELECTEDIMAGEURL Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the URL of the image for the active separators on either side of the active TAB.
SEPSELECTEDSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style for the active separators on either side of the active TAB.
TABDEFAULTSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the default style for all inactive tabs.
TABHOVERSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style of the TABSTRIP element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
TABSELECTEDSTYLE Sets or retrieves a value that defines the style for the active TAB.
TARGETID Enables you to automatically link tabs to a MULTIPAGE control.
Element Object Description
TAB Tab Adds a Tab element to a TabStrip.
TABSEPARATOR TabSeparator Adds a TabSeparator element to a TabStrip.
Event Description
onwcready Fires to the containing page when the ondocumentready event fires in the behavior.
onselectedindexchange Fires when selectedIndex changes for MULTIPAGE or TABSTRIP.
Method Description
createSeparatorAt Adds a TabSeparator to a TabStrip.
createTabAt Adds a new Tab to a TabStrip.
getItem Retrieves a Tab or TabSeparator in a TabStrip.
getTab Retrieves a Tab from a TabStrip.

See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the TabStrip WebControl