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completion_future Class


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Represents a future corresponding to a C++ AMP asynchronous operation.


class completion_future;  


Public Constructors

Name Description
completion_future::completion_future Constructor Initializes a new instance of the completion_future class.
completion_future::~completion_future Destructor Destroys the completion_future object.

Public Methods

Name Description
completion_future::get Method Waits until the associated asynchronous operation completes.
completion_future::then Method Chains a callback function object to the completion_future object to be executed when the associated asynchronous operation finishes execution.
completion_future::to_task Method Returns a task object corresponding to the associated asynchronous operation.
completion_future::valid Method Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the object is associated with an asynchronous operation.
completion_future::wait Method Blocks until the associated asynchronous operation completes.
completion_future::wait_for Method Blocks until the associated asynchronous operation completes or the time specified by _Rel_time has elapsed.
completion_future::wait_until Method Blocks until the associated asynchronous operation completes or until the current time exceeds the value specified by _Abs_time.

Public Operators

Name Description
completion_future::operator std::shared_future<void> Operator Implicitly converts the completion_future object to an std::shared_future object.
completion_future::operator= Operator Copies the contents of the specified completion_future object into this one.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: amprt.h

Namespace: concurrency

See Also

Concurrency Namespace (C++ AMP)