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Using eConnect to update existing data

Many eConnect XML documents allow you to update existing Microsoft Dynamics GP documents. To perform an update, your eConnect XML document must include XML nodes that provide update functionality.

XML nodes with update functionality represent eConnect business objects that can determine whether the node identifies an existing Microsoft Dynamics GP data document. If the document exists, the business object updates that document. If an existing document is not found, the business object creates a new Microsoft Dynamics GP data document.

When the eConnect business object updates an existing Microsoft Dynamics GP document, it uses one of the following techniques:

  • The business object completes a document exchange. A document exchange replaces all existing data with the values supplied by the XML node elements. If the XML node leaves an element empty, the business object replaces the previous value in Microsoft Dynamics GP with the eConnect default value. Document exchange requires your XML node to include values for all the elements and not just the elements that are being updated.
  • The business object completes field level updates. Field level updates allow your XML node to include only the elements that have new values. If the XML node excludes an element, the existing value in Microsoft Dynamics GP remains unchanged.

The XML Node Reference identifies XML nodes that provide update functionality. The description of these XML nodes specify whether the nodes perform a document exchange or a field level update.