.jpeg) |
AddEntityToQueue(Guid, String, String, Guid, Boolean, Guid) |
Route an entity to a public queue.
.jpeg) |
AssignEntityToUser(Guid, String, Guid, Guid) |
Assign an Entity to the specified user ID
.jpeg) |
Associate(String, Guid, Relationship, EntityReferenceCollection) |
.jpeg) |
CancelSalesOrder(Guid, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, Int32, Guid) |
.jpeg) |
CloseActivity(String, Guid, String, String, Guid) |
Closes the Activity type specified. The Activity Entity type supports fax , letter , and phonecall
*Note: This will default to using English names for Status. if you need to use Non-English, you should populate the names for completed for the status and state.
.jpeg) |
CloseIncident(Guid, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, Int32, Guid) |
Closes an Incident request in CRM, this special handling is necessary to support CRM Built In Object.
.jpeg) |
CloseOpportunity(Guid, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, Int32, Guid) |
This will close an opportunity as either Won or lost in CRM
.jpeg) |
CloseQuote(Guid, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, Int32, Guid) |
Closes a quote as won or lost, Revise is not supported via this method
.jpeg) |
CloseTroubleTicket(Guid, String, String, Guid) |
Closes a Trouble ticket by ID
.jpeg) |
Create(Entity) |
.jpeg) |
CreateAnnotation(String, Guid, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, Guid) |
This creates a annotation [note] entry, related to a an existing entity
Required Properties in the fieldList
notetext (string) = Text of the note,
subject (string) = this is the title of the note
.jpeg) |
CreateBatchOperationRequest(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Creates a batch request for executing batch operations. This method returns an ID (GUID) that will be used to identify a request as a batch request vs a "normal" request.
.jpeg) |
CreateEntityAssociation(String, Guid, String, Guid, String, Guid) |
Associates one Entity to another where an M2M Relationship Exists.
.jpeg) |
CreateMultiEntityAssociation(String, Guid, String, List<Guid>, String, Guid, Boolean) |
Associates multiple entities of the same time to a single entity
.jpeg) |
CreateNewActivityEntry(String, String, Guid, String, String, String, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, Guid) |
Creates a new activity against the target entity type
.jpeg) |
CreateNewRecord(String, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Uses the dynamic entity pattern to create a new entity record.
.jpeg) |
CreateOrUpdatePickListElement(String, String, List<LocalizedLabel>, Int32, Boolean) |
Adds an option to a pick list on an entity.
.jpeg) |
Delete(String, Guid) |
.jpeg) |
DeleteEntity(String, Guid, Guid) |
Deletes an entity from the CRM
.jpeg) |
DeleteEntityAssociation(String, Guid, String, Guid, String, Guid) |
Removes the Association between 2 entity items where an M2M Relationship Exists.
.jpeg) |
Disassociate(String, Guid, Relationship, EntityReferenceCollection) |
.jpeg) .jpeg) |
DiscoverOrganizations(Uri, ClientCredentials, UserIdentifier, String, Uri, String, Boolean, String, PromptBehavior) |
.jpeg) .jpeg) |
DiscoverOrganizations(Uri, Uri, ClientCredentials, ClientCredentials) |
Discovers the organizations.
.jpeg) .jpeg) |
DiscoverOrganizations(Uri, Uri, NetworkCredential) |
Discovers the organizations.
.jpeg) |
Equals(Object) |
.jpeg) |
Execute(OrganizationRequest) |
.jpeg) |
ExecuteBatch(Guid) |
Begins running the Batch command.
.jpeg) |
ExecuteCrmEntityDeleteRequest(String, Guid, String) |
Executes a row level delete on a CRM entity ( thread safe ) and returns true or false. Also adds metrics for logging support.
.jpeg) |
ExecuteCrmOrganizationRequest(OrganizationRequest, String) |
Executes a CRM Organization Request (thread safe) and returns the organization response object. Also adds metrics for logging support.
.jpeg) |
ExecuteWorkflowOnEntity(String, Guid, Guid) |
Executes a named workflow on an object.
.jpeg) |
GetActivitiesBy(String, Guid, List<String>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, Dictionary<String, String>, Dictionary<String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSortOrder>, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID. Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
.jpeg) |
GetActivitiesBy(String, Guid, List<String>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<CrmServiceClient.CrmSearchFilter>, Dictionary<String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSortOrder>, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID. Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
.jpeg) |
GetAllAttributesForEntity(String) |
Returns all attributes on a entity
.jpeg) |
GetAllEntityMetadata(Boolean, EntityFilters) |
Returns a list of entities with basic data from CRM
.jpeg) |
GetBatchById(Guid) |
.jpeg) |
GetBatchOperationIdRequestByName(String) |
Returns the batch id for a given batch name.
.jpeg) |
GetBatchRequestAtPosition(Guid, Int32) |
Returns the organization request at a give position
.jpeg) |
GetDataByKeyFromResultsSet<T>(Dictionary<String, Object>, String) |
This function gets data from a Dictionary object, where "string" identifies the field name, and Object contains the data, this method then attempts to cast the result to the Type requested, if it cannot be cast an empty object is returned.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityAttributeMetadataForAttribute(String, String) |
Gets metadata for a specific entity's attribute.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByFetchSearch(String, Guid) |
Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByFetchSearch(String, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByFetchSearchEC(String, Guid) |
Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByFetchSearchEC(String, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataById(String, Guid, List<String>, Guid) |
Gets a List of variables from the account based on the list of field specified in the Fields List
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByLinkedSearch(String, Dictionary<String, String>, String, Dictionary<String, String>, String, String, String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<String>, Guid) |
Queries an Object via a M to M Link
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByLinkedSearch(String, List<CrmServiceClient.CrmSearchFilter>, String, List<CrmServiceClient.CrmSearchFilter>, String, String, String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<String>, Guid, Boolean) |
Queries an Object via a M to M Link
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByRollup(String, Guid, String, List<String>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, Dictionary<String, String>, Dictionary<String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSortOrder>, Guid) |
Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID. Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataByRollup(String, Guid, String, List<String>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<CrmServiceClient.CrmSearchFilter>, Dictionary<String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSortOrder>, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID. Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataBySearchParams(String, Dictionary<String, String>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<String>, Guid) |
Gets a list of accounts based on the search parameters.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataBySearchParams(String, List<CrmServiceClient.CrmSearchFilter>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<String>, Dictionary<String, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSortOrder>, Int32, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Guid) |
Searches for data from an entity based on the search parameters.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDataBySearchParams(String, List<CrmServiceClient.CrmSearchFilter>, CrmServiceClient.LogicalSearchOperator, List<String>, Guid) |
Gets a list of accounts based on the search parameters.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDisplayName(String, Int32) |
Gets an Entity Name by Logical name or Type code.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityDisplayNamePlural(String, Int32) |
Gets an Entity Name by Logical name or Type code.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityFormIdListByType(String, CrmServiceClient.FormTypeId) |
Returns the Form Entity References for a given form type.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityMetadata(String, EntityFilters) |
Returns the Metadata for an entity from CRM, defaults to basic data only.
.jpeg) |
GetEntityName(Int32) |
Returns the Entity name for the given Type code
.jpeg) |
GetEntityTypeCode(String) |
Gets the typecode of an entity by name.
.jpeg) |
GetGlobalOptionSetMetadata(String) |
Gets a global option set from CRM.
.jpeg) |
GetHashCode() |
.jpeg) |
GetMyCrmUserId() |
Gets the user ID of the currently logged in user.
.jpeg) |
GetPickListElementFromMetadataEntity(String, String) |
Gets a PickList, Status List or StateList from the metadata of an attribute
.jpeg) |
GetType() |
.jpeg) |
ImportDataMapToCrm(String, Boolean, Boolean) |
Used to upload a data map to the CRM
.jpeg) |
ImportSolutionToCrm(String, Guid, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
.jpeg) |
InstallSampleDataToCrm() |
Request CRM to install sample data shipped with CRM. Note this is process will take a few moments to execute.
This method will return once the request has been submitted.
.jpeg) |
IsSampleDataInstalled() |
Determines if the CRM sample data has been installed
.jpeg) .jpeg) |
MakeSecureString(String) |
.jpeg) |
PublishEntity(String) |
Publishes an entity to the production system, used in conjunction with the Metadata services.
.jpeg) |
ReleaseBatchInfoById(Guid) |
Release a batch from the stack Once you have completed using a batch, you must release it from the system.
.jpeg) .jpeg) |
RemoveOAuthTokenCache(String) |
.jpeg) |
ResetLocalMetadataCache(String) |
This will clear the Metadata cache for either all entities or the specified entity
.jpeg) |
Retrieve(String, Guid, ColumnSet) |
.jpeg) |
RetrieveBatchResponse(Guid) |
.jpeg) |
RetrieveMultiple(QueryBase) |
.jpeg) |
SendSingleEmail(Guid, String, Guid) |
.jpeg) |
SubmitImportRequest(CrmServiceClient.ImportRequest, DateTime) |
Starts an Import request for CRM.
Supports a single file per Import request.
.jpeg) |
ToString() |
.jpeg) |
UninstallSampleDataFromCrm() |
Request CRM to remove sample data shipped with CRM. Note this is process will take a few moments to execute. This method will return once the request has been submitted.
.jpeg) |
Update(Entity) |
.jpeg) |
UpdateEntity(String, String, Guid, Dictionary<String, CrmDataTypeWrapper>, String, Boolean, Guid) |
.jpeg) |
UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity(String, Guid, Int32, Int32, Guid) |
Updates the State and Status of the Entity passed in.
.jpeg) |
UpdateStateAndStatusForEntity(String, Guid, String, String, Guid) |
Updates the State and Status of the Entity passed in.