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Edit/Add Connection String Dialog Box

The Edit/Add Connection String dialog box lets you create a new ConnectionString property or edit an existing ConnectionString property. The Edit/Add Connection String dialog box appears when you click Add or Edit on the General tab in the ASP.NET Configuration Settings dialog box.


The MMC snap-in for ASP.NET works with IIS 6.0 or earlier. The IIS 7.0 administration tool includes the functionality of the ASP.NET MMC tool. For more information, see ASP.NET and IIS Configuration.

To display the ASP.NET Configuration Settings dialog box from the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

  1. Open the Properties dialog box for the Web application.

  2. Click ASP.NET, click Edit Configuration, and then click Application.

You can click Add on the General tab in the ASP.NET Configuration Settings dialog box to display the Edit/Add Connection String dialog box. Then, you specify the name or key for the ConnectionString property and the Connection parameter.

You can also click Edit on the General tab in the ASP.NET Configuration Settings dialog box to display the Edit/Add Connection String dialog box, where you can then edit an existing ConnectionString property. The selected ConnectionString property appears in the Connection parameter box.


Configuration settings can be inherited. Settings can be defined in the Machine.config file, which acts as the base configuration for all Web sites and Web applications on the server. You can create new settings or override inherited settings by making configuration settings at the Web-application level.

For information about ASP.NET Configuration Settings, see ASP.NET Configuration Overview


The Edit/Add Connection String dialog box lets you complete the following tasks:

  • Add a new ConnectionString property to the Connection string manager dialog box on the General tab.

  • Edit an existing ConnectionString property in the Connection string manager dialog box on the General tab.

UI Elements

  • Edit/Add Connection String

  • Name
    Lets you specify the name for the ConnectionString property.

    If you invoke the Edit/Add Connection String dialog box by clicking Edit on the General tab, you cannot specify a name for the connection string.

  • Connection Parameter
    Lets you specify the value for the ConnectionString property.

    If you invoke the Edit/Add Connection String dialog box by clicking Edit on the General tab, the Connection parameter box contains the value of an existing ConnectionString property.

  • OK
    Lets you apply the new ConnectionString property that you created or apply the changes that you made to an existing ConnectionString property.

  • Cancel
    Lets you close the Edit/Add Connection String dialog box. No changes are written to the connection string manager.

See Also


ASP.NET Configuration Overview


General Tab, ASP.NET Configuration Settings Dialog Box

connectionStrings Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)