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Windows Index Search Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use the Windows Desktop Search functionality.

To build the sample

  • Run MSBuild from the sample root directory or open the Windows Index Search Sample solution in Visual Studio and build the solution.

To run the sample

  1. From the bin folder of the sample root directory run WinFormsSearchApp.exe.

  2. Creating a new query:

  3. Select a sample query from the Query drop-down list.

  4. Click the 'Save' button to save the contents of the query to the user.config file. See the Comments section for more information about the user.config file.

  5. Click the 'Run' button to execute the query. The results will be shown on the 'Results' tab.

  6. Adding additional query parameters:

  7. From the 'Properties' tab select a scope from the drop-down list.

  8. Position the cursor in the Query text box at the desired insertion point.

  9. Check one or more properties and click the insert button. Properties will be inserted and separated by commas. Selected text in the query text box will be replaced.

  10. Insert a single property by double-clicking on the property item.


Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)


Application configuration is read from a per-user file (user.config) under [CurrentUser]\AppData\Local\WinFromsSearchApp. This file and directory structure will be created the first time that the 'Save' button is clicked.