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Writing an IME that works correctly with an Edit Control


When you create an input method editor (IME), or when you port an IME between Windows Mobile Standard and Windows Mobile Classic, you may have to customize the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Ime\Settings registry key to get the desired behavior in edit controls. This is particularly likely in use cases such as focus switching, and ensuring that the final character input into a password edit control is included in the composition string.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Ime\Settings registry key is used to determine the behavior of an IME. The Settings key's value represents the following structure, where the first member is the lowest bit.

struct {
    bool m_CompositionStringGetExcluded:1;
    bool m_CompositionStringSetExcluded:1;
    bool m_DetermineOnLossOfFocus:1;
    bool m_CandidateOnKeyUp:1;
    bool m_UnderlineCompositionString:1;
    bool m_CancelOnBufferFull:1;

The following table describes the role of each of the structure's members.

Value : type Description


Default setting is 1.

Indicates whether the composition string (undetermined string) is excluded when the user attempts to get the text from the edit control.


Default setting is 1.

Determines whether the composition string is excluded when the user attempts to set the text for the edit control.


Default setting is 1.

Determines if the the composition string is finalized when thes edit control loses focus.


Default setting is 1.

Specifies whether to show the candidate window on key up.


Default setting is 1.

Specifies whether to draw an underline for the composition string.


Default setting is 1.

Determines whether to cancel the composition string when the buffer is full.

See Also

Other Resources

Working with the Input Method Editor