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The PR_CE_SUPPRESS_FETCH property indicates that the CEMAPI notification should not initiate an immediate download (that is, a Fetch) of the modified object.

Additional Information

May be exposed by:

Message store objects



Property type:


Property tag:



When a message's PR_MSG_STATUS property is modified to include the MSGSTATUS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD flag, a Fetch-aware transport will initiate a Fetch operation on that message. However sometimes it is desirable to modify the PR_MSG_STATUS property without initiating a Fetch.

To do so, when modifying the PR_MSG_STATUS property, also modify the PR_CE_SUPPRESS_FETCH property in the same call to IItem::SetProps. The value of the PR_CE_SUPPRESS_FETCH property is not important.

Fetch-aware transports must check for this property before initiating a fetch based on a PR_MSG_STATUS trigger.


The following code example demonstrates how to use the PR_CE_SUPPRESS_FETCH flag.


To make the following code example easier to read, security checking and error handling are not included. This code example should not be used in a release configuration unless it has been modified to include them.

SPropValue rgProps[2];

rgProps[0].ulPropTag = PR_MSG_STATUS;
rgProps[0].Value.ul  = ulMsgStatus | MSGSTATUS_REMOTE_DOWNLOAD;
rgProps[1].ulPropTag = PR_CE_SUPPRESS_FETCH;
rgProps[1].Value.ul  = 1;

hr = pMsg->SetProps(2, &rgProps, NULL);


Header cemapi.h
Library cemapi.lib
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile 6 and later

See Also

Other Resources

Windows Mobile Defined MAPI Properties