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Disabling Thread Library Calls

A version of this page is also available for

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3


Multithreaded applications can become quite large and complex. To increase the efficiency of your code, Windows Mobile supports the DisableThreadLibraryCalls function. DisableThreadLibraryCalls disables DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH notification calls from a specified DLL module. By disabling the notifications for a DLL, Windows Mobile does not page in the DLL initialization code when creating or deleting a thread.

Use DisableThreadLibraryCalls in multithreaded applications that have many DLL calls that frequently create and delete threads, or whose DLLs do not require thread-level attachment and detachment notification. You can also disable thread notification when you do not need to track a thread. To disable thread tracking, call DisableThreadLibraryCalls in the code that responds to a DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH message.

See Also

