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Notification Balloons


Applications on Windows Mobile Professional and Windows Mobile Classic can notify users about application availability or activity by displaying an icon on the title bar or by displaying an icon and a message balloon. The message balloon can include hyperlinks and buttons that users tap to respond to the notification.

The notification must be implemented by an application that is currently running on the device. You use the SHNOTIFICATIONDATA structure to create the notification and use SHNotificationAdd to display the notification.


All notifications require that the cbStruct, dwID, npPriority, csDuration, and hicon structure members are set.

You can query for the current information contained in the SHNOTIFICATIONDATA structure by calling the SHNotificationGetData function. You can modify the following elements of a notification by calling SHNotificationUpdate and modifying the following relevant members in the SHNOTIFICATIONDATA structure.

  • Icon
  • Message text
  • Message title
  • Priority
  • Duration

You can remove a notification by calling SHNotificationRemove. This is necessary only if the notification is not automatically removed when it times out or when the user taps a link or button in the message balloon.

See Also

Other Resources

Developing User Interface Components