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Configure Endpoint Dialog Box: Performance Tab

Use the Performance tab in the Configure Endpoint dialog box to view and modify the listen backlog, maximum buffer and buffer pool size, maximum size of a received message, and maximum connections properties. These transport quota values affect the overall performance of calls into the service represented by that endpoint. A value will be displayed only if the configured binding for that endpoint supports that value.

The Configure Endpoint dialog box can be invoked many ways.

  • From the Configure Service dialog box by selecting the Endpoints tab, selecting a specific endpoint, and then clicking Edit.

  • From the Endpoints list (within Features View) by selecting a specific endpoint, and click Configure in the context menu or Action pane. You can view the Endpoints list by performing one of the following operations.

    • At the server, site or application scopes, double-click Endpoints in the Features View to view the Endpoints Page, which has the Endpoints list.

    • At the server, site or application scopes, double-click Services in the Features View, right-click the service, and then click View Endpoints.


For a binding that does not support these performance values, the Performance tab will be empty for any non-supported values.

Dialog Options

Use This

To Do This

Listen backlog:

Gets or sets the maximum number of queued connection requests that can be pending. ListenBacklog is a socket-level property that describes the number of "pending accept" requests to be queued. Ensure that the underlying socket queue is not exceeded by the maximum number of concurrent connections.

This property is displayed only if the NetTcpBinding binding is configured for this endpoint.

Maximum buffer pool size:

An integer that specifies the maximum buffer pool size for this binding. The default is 512 * 1024 bytes. Many parts of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) use buffers. Creating and destroying buffers each time they are used is expensive, and garbage collection for buffers is also expensive. With buffer pools, you can take a buffer from the pool, use it, and return it to the pool once you are done. Thus the overhead in creating and destroying buffers is avoided.

This property is displayed for all of the Windows Server AppFabric supported bindings.

Maximum buffer size:

A positive integer that specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the buffer used to store messages in memory. If the transferMode attribute equals to Buffered, this attribute should be equal to the maxReceivedMessageSize attribute value. If the transferMode attribute equals to Streamed, this attribute cannot be more than the maxReceivedMessageSize attribute value, and should be at least the size of the headers.

This property is displayed only if the BasicHttpBinding, NetTcpBinding, or NetNamedPipebinding bindings are configured for this endpoint.


An integer that specifies the maximum number of outbound and inbound connections the service will create/accept. Incoming and outgoing connections are counted against a separate limit specified by this attribute. Inbound connections in excess of the limit are queued until a space below the limit becomes available.Outbound connections in excess of the limit are queued until a space below the limit becomes available.

This property is displayed only if the NetTcpBinding or NetNamedPipeBinding bindings are configured for this endpoint. The default is 10.

Maximum receive message size:

A positive integer that specifies the maximum message size, in bytes, including headers, that can be received on a channel configured with this binding. The sender of a message exceeding this limit will receive a SOAP fault. The receiver drops the message and creates an entry of the event in the trace log.

This property is displayed for all of the AppFabric supported bindings. The default is 65536.

Configuration Changes

The following configuration elements and attributes support the fields displayed in this dialog box:listenBacklog, maxBufferPoolSize, maxBufferSize, maxConnections, and maxReceivedMessageSize.

          <binding listenBacklog="Integer"