Specifying Scope in the Windows Server AppFabric IIS Manager Extensions
Most actions performed in the AppFabric extensions for IIS Manager and by a Windows PowerShell cmdlet for AppFabric require a scope. This scope corresponds to one of the expandable entities defined in the hierarchical Connections pane of IIS Manager. The entity can be a server, site, application, or virtual directory.
Scope in IIS Manager
You use the Connections pane of the IIS Manager to select a scope for an action in the IIS Manager extensions. For most actions that you take in the Features View or the Actions pane, you must first select the scope in the Connections pane. That selection of scope sets the context that is shown in the Features View or the Actions pane. The commands available in the Actions pane are different for a server, site, application, or virtual directory, as selected in the Connections pane, or for a service or service instance, as selected in the Features View.
Each scope in the IIS Manager is governed by a different IIS configuration file (a Web.config file). The configuration for a service can be determined not only by the configuration specific to that service in the application’s Web.config file, but also by default settings made for the server, site, application, or virtual directory that contain the service. When you set default configuration settings at more than one scope, and specify that a service inherit its configuration from those defaults, the service will use a set of configuration values merged from all scopes. Those default settings will overrule the service settings. For more information about the role of scope in the configuration of services and applications in IIS Manager, see Configuration Process in Windows Server AppFabric.
Scope in AppFabric Cmdlets
Many actions taken from within the IIS Manager UI can be performed via Windows PowerShell cmdlets for AppFabric. Just like actions in IIS Manager UI, AppFabric cmdlets require a scope. The scope for cmdlets is determined by a parameter in the cmdlet or an object piped into the cmdlet. For more information about specifying scope for a cmdlet, see Cmdlet Scope.