Changes the properties of a virtual hard disk object used in VMM.
[-OperatingSystem <OperatingSystem>]
[-VirtualizationPlatform <VirtualizationPlatform>]
[-Tag <System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]>]
[-ProductKey <String>]
[-UserRole <UserRole>]
[-Enabled <Boolean>]
[-VMMServer <ServerConnection>]
[-VirtualHardDisk] <VirtualHardDisk>
[-JobGroup <Guid>]
[-Name <String>]
[-SharePath <String>]
[-Description <String>]
[-Owner <String>]
[-FamilyName <String>]
[-Release <String>]
[-PROTipID <Guid>]
[-JobVariable <String>]
[-VMMServer <ServerConnection>]
[-VirtualHardDisks] <System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.VirtualHardDisk]>
-FamilyName <String>
-Release <String>
[-PROTipID <Guid>]
[-JobVariable <String>]
The Set-SCVirtualHardDisk cmdlet changes one or more properties of a virtual hard disk object used in a Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) environment. A virtual hard disk file used in VMM is either a Windows-based .vhd file, a Citrix XenServer-based .vhd file, or a VMware-based .vmdk file.
Properties that you can change include:
- Description
- Enabled
- Name
- Operating System
- Owner
- SharePath
A virtual hard disk file might be stored in the VMM library, or it might be attached to a virtual disk drive on a virtual machine or template.
To change the Bus and LUN settings for a virtual disk drive, use the Set-SCVirtualDiskDrive cmdlet.
Example 1: Change the description of a virtual hard disk
PS C:\> $VHD = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk -VMMServer "" | where { $_.LibraryServer.Name -eq "" -and $_.Name -eq "WindowsServer2008R2BootVHD.vhd"}
PS C:\> Set-SCVirtualHardDisk -VirtualHardDisk $VHD -Description "Latest Windows Server 2008 R2 Boot VHD"
The first command retrieves the virtual hard disk object named "WindowsServer2003BootVHD.vhd" from the library on VMMServer01 and then stores the object in the $VHD variable.
The second command changes the description of the virtual hard disk object stored in $VHD to "Latest Windows Server 2008 R2 Boot VHD".
Example 2: Enable a VMware-based virtual hard disk in the library
PS C:\> $VMDK = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk -VMMServer "" | where { $_.LibraryServer.Name -eq "" -and $_.Name -eq "WindowsServer2008.vmdk"}
PS C:\> Set-SCVirtualHardDisk -VirtualHardDisk $VMDK -Enabled $FALSE
The first command gets the virtual hard disk object named WindowsServer2008.vmdk and then stores the virtual hard disk object in the $VMDK variable.
The second command disables the virtual hard disk object stored in $VMDK.
Example 3: Specify an owner for all virtual hard disks with an "Unknown" owner
PS C:\> Get-SCVirtualHardDisk -VMMServer "" | where {$_.Owner -eq "Unknown"} | Set-SCVirtualHardDisk -Owner "Contoso\ReneeLo"
This command gets all virtual hard disk objects from the VMM library whose owner is "Unknown", and then specifies an owner for each virtual hard disk object.
Specifies a description for the virtual hard disk object.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Enables an object when set to $True, or disables an object when set to $False. For example, if you want to upgrade software on a virtual machine template, you can disable the template object in the VMM library to temporarily prevent users from using that object.
Type: | Boolean |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a family name for a physical resource in the VMM library. This value is used in conjunction with Release, Namespace, and Type to establish equivalency among library resources.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies an identifier for a series of commands that will run as a set just before the final command that includes the same job group identifier runs.
Type: | Guid |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the name of a VMM object.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the type of operating system for a virtual machine.
To list the names of all available operating systems in VMM, type Get-SCOperatingSystem
Type: | OperatingSystem |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the owner of a VMM object in the form of a valid domain user account.
- Example format:
-Owner "Contoso\PattiFuller"
- Example format:
-Owner "PattiFuller@Contoso"
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a product key. The product key is a 25-digit number that identifies the product license. A product key can be used to register VMM or an operating system to be installed on a virtual machine or host.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the ID of the Performance and Resource Optimization tip (PRO tip) that triggered this action. This parameter lets you audit PRO tips.
Type: | Guid |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a string that describes the release of a library resource. VMM automatically creates a release value for every resource imported into the library. After the resource has been imported, the string can be customized.
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a path to a valid library share on an existing library server that uses a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path.
Example format: -SharePath "\\LibServer01\LibShare"
Type: | String |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a word or phrase to associate with an object so that you can search for all objects with the specified set of tags. You can search for a subset of tags, or you can search for the full set of tags.
Type: | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String] |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a user role object.
Type: | UserRole |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a virtual hard disk object.
Type: | VirtualHardDisk |
Position: | 0 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies an array of virtual hard disk objects.
Type: | System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.VirtualHardDisk] |
Position: | 0 |
Default value: | None |
Required: | True |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the virtualization platform of a virtual machine host managed by VMM. The acceptable values for this parameter are:
- HyperV
- VMwareESX
- XENServer
Type: | VirtualizationPlatform |
Accepted values: | Unknown, VirtualServer, HyperV, VMwareVC, VMwareESX, XENServer |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies a VMM server object.
Type: | ServerConnection |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Required: | False |
Accept pipeline input: | True |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
This cmdlet returns a VirtualHardDisk object.
- Requires a VMM virtual hard disk object, which can be retrieved by using the Get-SCVirtualHardDisk cmdlet.