
Finds modules in a repository that match specified criteria.


    [[-Name] <string[]>]
    [-MinimumVersion <string>]
    [-MaximumVersion <string>]
    [-RequiredVersion <string>]
    [-Filter <string>]
    [-Tag <string[]>]
    [-Includes <string[]>]
    [-DscResource <string[]>]
    [-RoleCapability <string[]>]
    [-Command <string[]>]
    [-Proxy <uri>]
    [-ProxyCredential <pscredential>]
    [-Repository <string[]>]
    [-Credential <pscredential>]


The Find-Module cmdlet finds modules in a repository that match the specified criteria. Find-Module returns a PSRepositoryItemInfo object for each module it finds. The objects can be sent down the pipeline to cmdlets such as Install-Module.

This is a proxy cmdlet for the Find-PSResource cmdlet in the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet. For more information, see Find-PSResource.


Example 1: Find a module by name

This example finds a module in the default repository.

Find-Module -Name PowerShellGet

Version   Name              Repository           Description
-------   ----              ----------           -----------
2.1.0     PowerShellGet     PSGallery            PowerShell module with commands for discovering...

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Name parameter to specify the PowerShellGet module.

Example 2: Find modules with similar names

This example uses the asterisk (*) wildcard to find modules with similar names.

Find-Module -Name PowerShell*

Version   Name                            Repository    Description
-------   ----                            ----------    -----------
0.4.0     powershell-yaml                 PSGallery     Powershell module for serializing and...
2.1.0     PowerShellGet                   PSGallery     PowerShell module with commands for...
1.9       Powershell.Helper.Extension     PSGallery     # Powershell.Helper.Extension...
3.1       PowerShellHumanizer             PSGallery     PowerShell Humanizer wraps Humanizer...
4.0       PowerShellISEModule             PSGallery     a module that adds capability to the ISE

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Name parameter with the asterisk (*) wildcard to find all modules that contain PowerShell.

Example 3: Find a module by minimum version

This example searches for a module's minimum version. If the repository contains a newer version of the module, the newer version is returned.

Find-Module -Name PowerShellGet -MinimumVersion 1.6.5

Version   Name             Repository     Description
-------   ----             ----------     -----------
2.1.0     PowerShellGet    PSGallery      PowerShell module with commands for discovering...

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Name parameter to specify the PowerShellGet module. The MinimumVersion specifies version 1.6.5. Find-Module returns PowerShellGet version 2.1.0 because it exceeds the minimum version and is the most current version.

Example 4: Find a module by specific version

This example shows how to install a specific prerelease version of a module. Prerelease versions have a format of <version_number>-<prerelease_label>.

Find-Module PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -RequiredVersion 2.2.4-beta1

Version        Name             Repository       Description
-------        ----             ----------       -----------
2.2.4-beta1    PSReadLine       PSGallery        Great command line editing in the PowerS…

Example 5: Find a module in a specific repository

This example uses the Repository parameter to find a module in a specific repository.

Find-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Repository PSGallery

Version   Name             Repository     Description
-------   ----             ----------     -----------
2.1.0     PowerShellGet    PSGallery      PowerShell module with commands for discovering...

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Name parameter to specify the PowerShellGet module. The Repository parameter specifies to search the PSGallery repository.

Example 6: Find a module in multiple repositories

This example uses the Register-PSRepository to specify a repository. Find-Module uses the repository to search for a module.

Register-PSRepository -Name MySource -SourceLocation
Find-Module -Name Contoso* -Repository PSGallery, MySource

Repository    Version   Name             Description
----------    -------   ----             -----------
PSGallery   ContosoServer    Cmdlets and DSC resources for managing Contoso Server...
MySource   ContosoClient    Cmdlets and DSC resources for managing Contoso Client...

The Register-PSRepository cmdlet registers a new repository. The Name parameter assigns the name MySource. The SourceLocation parameter specifies the repository's address.

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Name parameter with the asterisk (*) wildcard to specify the Contoso module. The Repository parameter specifies to search two repositories, PSGallery and MySource.

Example 7: Find a module that contains a DSC resource

This command returns modules that contain DSC resources. The Includes parameter has four predefined functionalities that are used to search the repository. Use tab-complete to display the four functionalities supported by the Includes parameter.

Find-Module -Repository PSGallery -Includes DscResource

Version     Name                            Repository    Description
-------     ----                            ----------    -----------
2.7.0       Carbon                          PSGallery     Carbon is a PowerShell module...     xPSDesiredStateConfiguration    PSGallery     The xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module...
1.3.1       PackageManagement               PSGallery     PackageManagement (a.k.a. OneGet) is...     xWindowsUpdate                  PSGallery     Module with DSC Resources...     xCertificate                    PSGallery     This module includes DSC resources...     xPowerShellExecutionPolicy      PSGallery     This DSC resource can change the user...

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Repository parameter to search the repository, PSGallery. The Includes parameter specifies DscResource, which is a functionality that the parameter can search for in the repository.

Example 8: Find a module with a filter

In this example, to find modules, a filter is used to search the repository.

For a NuGet-based repository, the Filter parameter searches through the name, description, and tags for the argument.

Find-Module -Filter AppDomain

Version    Name              Repository           Description
-------    ----              ----------           -----------  AppDomainConfig     PSGallery            Manipulate AppDomain configuration...
1.1.0    ClassExplorer       PSGallery            Quickly search the AppDomain for classes...

The Find-Module cmdlet uses the Filter parameter to search the repository for AppDomain.

Example 9: Find a module by tag

This example shows how to find modules by a tag. The CrescendoBuilt value is a tag that is automatically added to modules created using the Microsoft.PowerShell.Crescendo module.

Find-Module -Tag CrescendoBuilt

Version Name            Repository Description
------- ----            ---------- -----------
0.1.0   Foil            PSGallery  A PowerShell Crescendo wrapper for Chocolatey
0.3.1   Cobalt          PSGallery  A PowerShell Crescendo wrapper for WinGet
1.1.0   SysInternals    PSGallery  PowerShell cmdlets for SysInternal tools
0.0.4   Croze           PSGallery  A PowerShell Crescendo wrapper for Homebrew
0.0.2   AptPackage      PSGallery  PowerShell Crescendo-generated Module to query APT-Package Information
1.0.1   RoboCopy        PSGallery  PowerShell cmdlet for the official RoboCopy.exe
1.0.2   TShark          PSGallery  PowerShell cmdlet for tshark.exe
1.0.0   SpeedTestCLI    PSGallery  PowerShell cmdlets speedtest-cli
1.0.0   SpeedTest-CLI   PSGallery  PowerShell cmdlets for Internet Speed Test
1.0.2   Image2Text      PSGallery  PowerShell Images into ASCII art
0.1.1   Quser.Crescendo PSGallery  This module displays session information of users logged onto a local or remote m...
1.0.2   Takeown         PSGallery  Crescendo Powershell wrapper of takeown.exe



Includes in the results modules marked as a pre-release.

The proxy cmdlet maps this parameter to the Prerelease parameter of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies to include all versions of a module in the results. You cannot use the AllVersions parameter with the MinimumVersion, MaximumVersion, or RequiredVersion parameters.

The proxy cmdlet transforms this parameter to the -Version * before calling Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a user account that has rights to install a module for a specified package provider or source.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Indicates that this operation includes all modules that are dependent upon the module specified in the Name parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Accepted values:DscResource, Cmdlet, Function, RoleCapability
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet uses the value of this parameter to create a NuGet version search string for use with the Version parameter of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet uses the value of this parameter to create a NuGet version search string for use with the Version parameter of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the names of modules to search for in the repository. A comma-separated list of module names is accepted. Wildcards are accepted.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:True


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Use the Repository parameter to specify which repository to search for a module. Used when multiple repositories are registered. Accepts a comma-separated list of repositories. To register a repository, use Register-PSRepository. To display registered repositories, use Get-PSRepository.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet uses the value of this parameter to create a NuGet version search string for use with the Version parameter of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


The proxy cmdlet ignores this parameter since it's not supported by the NameParameterSet of Find-PSResource.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an array of tags. Example tags include DesiredStateConfiguration, DSC, DSCResourceKit, or PSModule.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False






Find-Module creates PSRepositoryItemInfo objects that can be sent down the pipeline to cmdlets such as Install-Module.


PowerShell includes the following aliases for Find-Module:

  • All platforms:
    • fimo

The PowerShell Gallery no longer supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.0 and 1.1. You must use TLS 1.2 or higher. Use the following command to ensure you are using TLS 1.2:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12