The topics in this section document the Azure PowerShell cmdlets for Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra in the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) framework. The cmdlets exist in the Microsoft.Azure.Commands.CosmosDB namespace.
Cosmos DB
Get-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Get CosmosDB Account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey |
Get Keys{"ConnectionKeys", "PrimaryReadOnly" or "Keys"} for the given CosmosDB Account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Gets a CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughput |
Gets the throughput value of the Cassandra Keyspace. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Gets a CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
Get-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughput |
Gets the throughput value of the Cassandra Table. |
Get-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey |
Gets the CosmosDB Client Encryption Key. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Gets the CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughput |
Gets the throughput of a CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Gets the CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a gremlin graph. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughput |
Gets the throughput of a CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinRestorableDatabase |
Gets the list of all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin databases available under the restorable account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinRestorableGraph |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin graphs available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBGremlinRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBLocation |
List Azure Cosmos DB locations and their properties. Get Azure Cosmos DB location properties for a specific location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a mongodb collection. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughput |
Gets the CosmosDB throughput properties of MongoDB Collection. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB Database |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughput |
Gets the CosmosDB throughput properties of MongoDB Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableCollection |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB collection available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableDatabase |
Gets the list of all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB databases available under the restorable account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition for the specified resource group and account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
Get-AzCosmosDBRestorableDatabaseAccount |
Gets the restorable database account object |
Get-AzCosmosDBService |
Gets the CosmosDB Service |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a sql container. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughput |
Gets the throughput settings corresponding to a CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughput |
Gets the throughput settings corresponding to a CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableContainer |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB SQL containers available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableDatabase |
Gets the list of all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Sql databases available under the restorable account. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB SQL resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB Role Definition. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql Trigger. |
Get-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Gets the CosmosDB Sql User Defined Function. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTable |
Gets a CosmosDB Table. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableBackupInformation |
Retrieves the latest restorable timestamp for a table. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRestorableResource |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Table resources available for a specific database account at a given time and location. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRestorableTable |
Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Tables available for a specific database. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Gets the CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Gets the CosmosDB Role Definition. |
Get-AzCosmosDBTableThroughput |
Gets the throughput of a CosmosDB Table. |
Get-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Gets a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
Get-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Gets a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
Invoke-AzCosmosDBTableThroughputMigration |
Use this to migrate autoscale throughput to manual throughput and vice versa. |
New-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Create a new CosmosDB Account. |
New-AzCosmosDBAccountKey |
Regenerate a given CosmosDB Account Key. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraClusterKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Cluster Key. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraColumn |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Column. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraSchema |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Schema. |
New-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Creates a new CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
New-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB Client Encryption Key. |
New-AzCosmosDBDatabaseToRestore |
Creates a new CosmosDB Database to Restore object(PSDatabaseToRestore) |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinCompositePath |
Creates a new object of type PSCompositePath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinConflictResolutionPolicy |
Creates a new object of type PSConflictResolutionPolicy. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Creates a new CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseToRestore |
Creates a new CosmosDB Gremlin Database to Restore object(PSGremlinDatabaseToRestore) |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Creates a new CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinIncludedPath |
Creates a new object of type PSIncludedPath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinIncludedPathIndex |
Creates a new object of type PSIndexes. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinIncludedPath. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinIndexingPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB IndexingPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinSpatialSpec |
Creates a new object of type PSSpatialSpec. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBGremlinIndexingPolicy. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinUniqueKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB UniqueKeyPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBGremlinUniqueKeyPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB UniqueKeyPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBLocationObject |
Create a new CosmosDB Location Object(PSLocation). |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBIndex |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Index. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBPrivilege |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Privilege object to be used to create or update a CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBPrivilegeResource |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB PrivilegeResource object to be used to create or update a CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRole |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Role object to be used to create or update a CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition and User Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBPermission |
Creates a new CosmosDB Permission object to be used to create or update a Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBService |
Creates a new CosmosDB Service. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlCompositePath |
Creates a new object of type PSCompositePath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlConflictResolutionPolicy |
Creates a new object of type PSSqlConflictResolutionPolicy. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Container. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Database. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlIncludedPath |
Creates a new object of type PSIncludedPath. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlIncludedPathIndex |
Creates a new object of type PSIndexes. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlIncludedPath. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlIndexingPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql IndexingPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlSpatialSpec |
Creates a new object of type PSSpatialSpec. It can be passed as a parameter value for Set-AzCosmosDBSqlIndexingPolicy. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql Trigger. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlUniqueKey |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql UniqueKey object. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlUniqueKeyPolicy |
Creates a new CosmosDB SqlUniqueKeyPolicy object. |
New-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Creates a new CosmosDB Sql UserDefinedFunction. |
New-AzCosmosDBTable |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table. |
New-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
New-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table Role Definition. |
New-AzCosmosDBTableToRestore |
Creates a new CosmosDB Table to Restore object(PSTableToRestore) |
New-AzCosmosDBVirtualNetworkRule |
Create a new CosmosDB VirtualNetworkRule Object(PSVirtualNetworkRule). |
New-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Creates a new Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
New-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Create a new Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Remove a Cosmos DB Account. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Deletes a CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Deletes a CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Deletes a CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Deletes a CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Deletes a CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Deletes a CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Deletes a CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Deletes an existing CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBService |
Deletes the CosmosDB Service. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Role Definition. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql Trigger. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Deletes the CosmosDB Sql UserDefinedFunction. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBTable |
Deletes the CosmosDB Table. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Deletes the CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
Remove-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Deletes the CosmosDB Table Role Definition. |
Remove-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Deletes a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
Remove-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Deletes a Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Restore-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Restores an existing CosmosDB account (live or deleted) to a given timestamp to a new account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Restore a deleted gremlin database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Restore a deleted gremlin graph in a database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Restore a deleted mongodb collection in a database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Restore a deleted mongodb database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Restore a deleted sql container in a database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Restore a deleted sql database to a given timestamp in the same account |
Restore-AzCosmosDBTable |
Restore a deleted table to a given timestamp in the same account |
Update-AzCosmosDBAccount |
Update a Cosmos DB Account attributes. |
Update-AzCosmosDBAccountFailoverPriority |
Update Failover Region Priority of a Cosmos DB Account. |
Update-AzCosmosDBAccountRegion |
Update Regions of a Cosmos DB Account. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace |
Updates the CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Keyspace. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraKeyspaceThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Cassandra Keyspace. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTable |
Updates the CosmosDB Cassandra Table. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Table. |
Update-AzCosmosDBCassandraTableThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Cassandra Table. |
Update-AzCosmosDbClientEncryptionKey |
Updates the CosmosDB Client Encryption Key. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Client Encryption Key. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase |
Updates the CosmosDB Gremlin Database. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabaseThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Gremlin Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph |
Updates the CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Graph. |
Update-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraphThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Gremlin Graph. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection |
Updates the CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Collection. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollectionThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB MongoDB Collection. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase |
Updates the CosmosDB MongoDB Database. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabaseThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB MongoDB Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRoleDefinition |
Update an existing CosmosDB MongoDB Role Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBMongoDBUserDefinition |
Update an existing CosmosDB MongoDB User Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql Container. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Container. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainerThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Sql Container. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql Database. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabaseThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Sql Database. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Sql Role Assignment. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleDefinition |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Sql Role Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedure |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql StoredProcedure. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing StoredProcedure. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlTrigger |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql Trigger. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Trigger. |
Update-AzCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunction |
Updates the CosmosDB Sql UserDefinedFunction. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing UserDefinedFunction. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTable |
Updates the CosmosDB Table. Performs a client side patch operation by reading the existing Table. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTableRoleAssignment |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Table Role Assignment. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTableRoleDefinition |
Updates an existing CosmosDB Table Role Definition. |
Update-AzCosmosDBTableThroughput |
Updates the throughput value of a CosmosDB Table. |
Update-AzManagedCassandraCluster |
Update an existing Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra cluster. |
Update-AzManagedCassandraDataCenter |
Update an existing Azure Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra data center. |
Azure PowerShell