Power Apps licensing FAQs


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

This article lists common questions and answers for licensing and plan options.

For more details about Microsoft Power Apps licensing, download the Licensing Guide.

I have a Power Apps per user license. Can I use it to run Power Automate flows?

Yes, but it is only valid for a flow that is executed through a Power Apps trigger action.

Why can a user still access an app after their trial license has expired?

After a trial license expires, users may continue to access an app for up to two hours after the trial expires. Additionally, due to caching, an extra refresh may be needed for access to be revoked.

Why can I access my app that uses a premium connector, such as SQL Server, with my Office-seeded license?

In 2019, there was a change to Power Apps use rights for Microsoft 365 applications. During this transition period, we granted customers an extension from October 1, 2019 until October 1, 2024, where apps using connectors, such as SQL Server, would be exempt from premium connector licensing requirements for reclassified connectors. These apps are considered grandfathered. Learn more.

Why does my app still show a premium designation after all premium connectors have been removed and the app has been saved?

After removing premium connectors from the app, you must publish the app for the designation to update.

Why does my app that is part of the 2019 grandfathering still show as premium designation?

It is expected that the app continues to show as premium designation. End-users can still play the apps with an Office-seeded license.

Why are my users, who have a Dynamics license, getting prompted to sign up for a trial license when they open the app in a web browser?

Different Dynamics licenses have different use rights in Power Apps, so we recommend that you review the Power Platform licensing guide to find your Dynamics license first. All Dynamics licenses with Power Apps usage rights allow users to play apps that don't use premium capabilities in both embedded and standalone mode. However, if your Dynamics license is listed as having limited use rights for Power Apps, you can only play canvas apps with premium capabilities when embedded inside model-driven apps using the supported method which is documented in Add a custom page to your model-driven app. This means that you can't play these canvas apps in standalone mode in a web browser or the mobile player. If the embedding is done using other methods, such as using an iframe, the limited use rights doesn't apply.

If my app requires premium licensing, what are my licensing options for end-users?

End-users need an entitlement to access a premium app. Learn more for different entitlement options.

What capabilities make my app require a premium license? / We built an app using a trial license, what do we need so our users can run it?

Some examples of features that require premium entitlements include: premium connectors, Dataverse entities, on-premises data gateways, custom APIs, etc. To determine if your app is premium, makers can go to the App Details page in the maker portal to view their app license designation. Learn more.

Do I need a license to build Power Apps?

You don't need a license to build canvas apps. You need a license to build model-driven apps.

Do we need a Power Automate standalone license on top of Power Apps premium?

  • If the flow is in context of Power Apps or Dynamics 365 apps, and is an automated flow, the flow must be associated to the app created using Power Apps or a Dynamics 365 app. The owner also needs a Power Apps Premium license or a Dynamics 365 license.
  • If the flow is in context of Power Apps or a Dynamics 365 app, and is an instant flow, every user running the flow needs a Power Apps Premium license or a Dynamics 365 license.
  • If a parent flow calls a child flow, the child flow uses the context from the parent flow. For example, if the following criteria are met, it uses the parent flow owner's license:
    • If the parent flow is an automated flow, and
    • The child flow uses premium connectors, and
    • The child flow doesn't have a Process license. If the child flow has a Process license, it uses the Process license and not the parent flow's license.

How can I purchase licenses?

Take a look at the Power Apps pricing guide for details.

I am working on a proof of concept Power Apps solution. How do I extend my trial?

We recommend creating your proof of concept in a developer environment, which has no expiration. Learn more

I have a dev trial license, but I'm being told that my trial is expired. What do I do?

Trial licenses have an expiration period and can only be renewed three times. We recommend using a developer environment with a developer trial license for any proof of concepts.

I bought per app plan capacity, but my users are being asked to start a trial. What do I do?

The passes must be allocated to the environment for them to take effect. Learn more

How long can I use a trial license?

Trial licenses have an expiration period and can only be renewed three times. We recommend using a developer environment with a developer trial license for any proof of concepts.

My users don’t have a license, but they can still access the environment. Why?

Creating and managing Power Apps doesn't require a license, so users are able to access the environment with no licenses assigned. However, users without a license can't play apps.

I can play an app that uses Dataverse inside Teams in a Dataverse for Teams environment. But when I try to play the same app standalone, I get a prompt message. Why?

If you only have an Office-seeded license, and the app uses Dataverse for Teams, it can only be used when embedded within Teams.