Permissions required for document management tasks


The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.

The following table shows the default security roles or other permissions that are needed to perform each document management with SharePoint task.


If you’re using Dynamics 365 for Outlook, you can’t do any of these tasks while you’re offline.

Tasks related to document management Minimum security role or other permission required
Enable or disable document management Security roles: System Administrator or System Customizer

Privileges: Read, Write on all record types that are customizable.

SharePoint site permissions: Create, Read, Write, Append, Append To
Create or edit site records Security roles: System Administrator or System Customizer

SharePoint site permissions: Site Create, Read, Write, Append, Append To
Create or edit document location records Security roles: Salesperson

SharePoint site permissions: Read, Append To

SharePoint Document Location permissions: Create, Read, Write, Append, Append To
Run the Enable Server-based SharePoint Integration Wizard Security roles: System Administrator

Privileges: All other security roles will require the Run SharePoint Integration Wizard permission to run the Enable Server-based SharePoint Integration Wizard.
Make a site your default site Security roles: System Administrator or System Customizer

SharePoint site permissions: Read, Write
Validate sites Security roles: System Administrator or System Customizer

SharePoint site permissions: Read, Write
Add or edit a document location from a record Security roles: Any

SharePoint site permissions: Read, Append To

SharePoint Document Location permissions: Create, Read, Write, Append, Append To
Fix a broken location Security roles: Any

SharePoint Document Location permissions: Read, Write
Manage documents Security roles: Any

SharePoint Document Location permissions: Read, Write

See also

Manage Your Documents
Validate and fix SharePoint site URLs