Microsoft Dataverse and model-driven apps activity logging


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Protecting data, preserving privacy, and complying with privacy regulations are some of the highest priorities for your business. It's critical that you audit the entirety of data processing actions taking place to be able to analyze for possible security breaches. This information from Activity Logging can be used when you perform a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) addressing the use of Office, Power Apps, Power Automate, and customer engagement apps (Dynamics 365 Sales, Dynamics 365 Customer Service, Dynamics 365 Field Service, Dynamics 365 Marketing, and Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation).

This topic covers how you can set Power Apps, Power Automate, and customer engagement apps to audit a broad range of data processing activities and use the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to review the data in activity reports.


  • At least one user assigned a Microsoft/Office 365 E1 or greater license.
  • Available for production and not sandbox environments.

What events are audited

Logging takes place at the SDK layer which means a single action can trigger multiple events that are logged. The following are a sample of user events you can audit. Admin events are currently not logged.

Event Description
Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) Logging all CRUD activities essential for understanding the impact of a problem and being compliant with data protection impact assessments (DPIA).
Multiple record view Users of Dynamics view information in bulk, like grid views, Advanced Find search, etc. Critical customer content information is part of these views.
Export to Excel Exporting data to Excel moves the data outside of the secure environment and is vulnerable to threats.
SDK calls via surround or custom apps Actions taken via the core platform or surround apps calling into the SDK to perform an action needs to be logged.
All support CRUD activities Microsoft support engineer activities on customer environment.
Backend commands Microsoft support engineer activities on customer tenant and environment.
Report Viewed Logging when a report is viewed. Critical customer content information might be displayed on the report.
Report Viewer Export Exporting a report to different formats moves the data outside of the secure environment and is vulnerable to threats.
Report Viewer Render Image Logging multimedia assets that are shown when a report is displayed. They might contain critical customer information.

Base schema

Schemas define which fields are sent to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Some fields are common to all applications that send audit data to Microsoft Purview, while others are specific to customer engagement apps. The Base schema contains the common fields.

Field name Type Mandatory Description
Date Edm.Date No Date and time of when the log was generated in UTC
IP address Edm.String No IP address of the user or corporate gateway
Id Edm.Guid No Unique GUID for every row logged
Result Status Edm.String No Status of the row logged. Success in most cases
Organization Id Edm.Guid Yes Unique identifier of the organization from which the log was generated. You can find this ID under Dynamics Developer Resources.
ClientIP Edm.String No IP Address of the user or corporate gateway
CorrelationId Edm.Guid No A unique value used to associate related rows (e.g., when a large row is split)
CreationTime Edm.Date No Date and time of when the log was generated in UTC
Operation Edm.Date No Name of the message called in the SDK
UserKey Edm.String No Unique Identifier of the User in Microsoft Entra ID. AKA User PUID
UserType Self.UserType No The Microsoft 365 audit type (Regular, System)
User Edm.String No Primary email of the user

Customer engagement apps schema

The customer engagement apps schema contains fields specific to customer engagement apps and partner teams.

Field name Type Mandatory Description
User Id Edm.String No Unique identifier of the user GUID in the organization
Crm Organization Unique Name Edm.String No Unique name of the organization
Instance Url Edm.String No URL to the instance
Item Url Edm.String No URL to the record emitting the log
Item Type Edm.String No Name of the entity
Message Edm.String No Name of the message called in the SDK
User Agent Edm.String No Unique identifier of the user GUID in the organization
EntityId Edm.Guid No Unique identifier of the entity
EntityName Edm.String No Name of the entity in the organization
Fields Edm.String No JSON of Key Value pair reflecting the values that were created or updated
Id Edm.String No Entity name in customer engagement apps
Query Edm.String No The Filter query parameters used while executing the FetchXML
QueryResults Edm.String No One or multiple unique records returned by the Retrieve and Retrieve Multiple SDK message call
ServiceContextId Edm.Guid No The unique id associated with service context
ServiceContextIdType Edm.String No Application defined token to define context use
ServiceName Edm.String No Name of the Service generating the log
SystemUserId Edm.Guid No Unique identifier of the user GUID in the organization
UserAgent Edm.Guid No Browser used to execute the request
UserId Edm.Guid No The unique id of the Dynamics system user associated with this activity
UserUpn Edm.String No User principal name of the user associated with this activity

Enable auditing

  1. Choose Settings > Administration > System Settings > Auditing tab.

    • Or, from the Power Apps Home Page, select Settings (gear icon) > Advanced settings > Settings > Auditing > Global Audit Settings.
  2. Under Audit Settings, enable the following check boxes:

    • Start Auditing
    • Audit user access (Note: captures user sign-in only)
    • Start Read Auditing (Note: captures most user activities/events)
  3. Under Enable Auditing in the following areas, enable the check boxes for the areas you want to audit and then select OK.

    System Settings Auditing.

  4. To set table and field-level auditing, select Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.

    • Or, from the System Settings page (above), select Entity and Field Audit Settings.
    • Or, from the Power Apps Home Page, select Settings (gear icon) > Advanced settings > Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.
  5. Under Components, expand Entities and select an entity to audit, such as Account.

  6. Scroll down and under Data Services enable Auditing.

  7. Under Auditing, enable the following check boxes:

    • Single record auditing. Log a record when opened.
    • Multiple record auditing. Log all records displayed on an opened page.

    Retrieve Auditing.

  8. Choose Save.

  9. Choose Publish to publish the customization.

  10. Repeat steps 5 - 9 for other entities you want to audit.

  11. Turn on audit logging in Microsoft Purview. See Turn audit log search on or off.

Review your audit data using reports in Microsoft Purview compliance portal

When audit log search is turned on in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, user and admin activity from your organization is recorded in the audit log and retained for 90 days. However, your organization might not want to record and retain audit log data. Or you might be using a third-party security information and event management (SIEM) application to access your auditing data. In those cases, a global admin can turn off audit log search in Microsoft Purview. For more information, see Auditing solutions in Microsoft Purview.

To search for records in Microsoft Purview compliance portal, choose Record type as CRM, and Activities as All Dynamics 365 activities.

Create reports

You can create your own reports to review your audit data. See Search the audit log in the Purview compliance portal.

What's logged

For a list of what's logged with Activity Logging, see Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages Namespace.

We log all SDK messages except the following:

  • WhoAmI
  • RetrieveFilteredForms
  • TriggerServiceEndpointCheck
  • QueryExpressionToFetchXml
  • FetchXmlToQueryExpression
  • FireNotificationEvent
  • RetrieveMetadataChanges
  • RetrieveEntityChanges
  • RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersion
  • RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersion
  • RetrieveProvisionedLanguages
  • RetrieveAvailableLanguages
  • RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguages
  • RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacks
  • GetAllTimeZonesWithDisplayName
  • GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName
  • IsReportingDataConnectorInstalled
  • LocalTimeFromUtcTime
  • IsBackOfficeInstalled
  • FormatAddress
  • IsSupportUserRole
  • IsComponentCustomizable
  • ConfigureReportingDataConnector
  • CheckClientCompatibility
  • RetrieveAttribute

How we categorize read and readmultiple

We use the prefix to categorize.

If the request starts with: We characterize as:
RetrieveMultiple ReadMultiple
ExportToExcel ReadMultiple
RollUp ReadMultiple
RetrieveEntitiesForAggregateQuery ReadMultiple
RetrieveRecordWall ReadMultiple
RetrievePersonalWall ReadMultiple
ExecuteFetch ReadMultiple
Retrieve Read
Search Read
Get Read
Export Read

Example generated logs

The following are some examples of logs created with Activity Logging.

Example 1 – Logs generated when user reads an Account record

Schema Name Value
ID 50e01c88-2e43-4005-8be8-9ceb172e2e90
UserKey 10033XXXA49AXXXX
ClientIP 131.107.XXX.XX
Operation Retrieve
Date 3/2/2018 11:25:56 PM
EntityId 00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee
EntityName Account
Query N/A
QueryResults N/A

Example 2 – Logs generated when user sees Account records in a Grid (Export to Microsoft Excel logs are like this)

Schema Name Value
ID ef83f463-b92f-455e-97a6-2060a47efe33
UserKey 10033XXXA49AXXXX
ClientIP 131.107.XXX.XX
Operation RetrieveMultiple
Date 3/2/2018 11:25:56 PM
EntityId N/A
EntityName Account
Query <filter type="and"><condition column="ownerid" operator="eq-userid" /><condition column="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" /></filter>
QueryResults 00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee, dc136b61-6c1e-e811-a952-000d3a732d76

Example 3 – List of messages logged when user converts a lead to opportunity

ID EntityID EntityName Operation
53c98033-cca4-4420-97e4-4c1b4f81e062 23ad069e-4d22-e811-a953-000d3a732d76 Contact Create
5aca837c-a1f5-4801-b770-5c66183a58aa 25ad069e-4d22-e811-a953-000d3a732d76 Opportunity Create
c9585748-fdbf-4ff7-970c-bb37f6aa2c36 25ad069e-4d22-e811-a953-000d3a732d76 Opportunity Update
a0469f30-078b-419d-be61-b04c9a34121f 1cad069e-4d22-e811-a953-000d3a732d76 Lead Update
0975bceb-07c7-4dc2-b621-5a7b245c36a4 1cad069e-4d22-e811-a953-000d3a732d76 Lead Update

Additional considerations

When audit log search in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal is turned on, user and activity from your organization is recorded in the audit log and retained for 90 days. However, your organization might not want to record and retain audit log data. Or you might be using a third-party security information and event management (SIEM) application to access your auditing data. In those cases, a global admin can turn off audit log search in Microsoft 365.

Known issues

  • Office has a 3KB limit for each audit record. Therefore, in some cases a single record from customer engagement apps needs to be split into multiple records in Office. The CorrelationId field can be used to retrieve the set of split records for a given source record. Operations that are likely to require splitting include RetrieveMultiple and ExportToExcel.
  • Some operations need additional processing to retrieve all relevant data. For example, RetrieveMultiple and ExportToExcel are processed to extract the list of records that are retrieved or exported. However, not all relevant operations are yet processed. For example, ExportToWord is currently logged as single operation with no additional details about what was exported.
  • In future releases, logging will disabled for operations that are determined to not be useful based on a review of the logs. For example, some operations result from automated system activity, not user activity.
  • In some record instances, the EntityName value may be marked with Unknown. These records are not related to any specific entity related operation and came in blank from CRM. They all have entity id of 0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.

See also

Manage Dataverse auditing
Search the audit log in the compliance Center
Search the audit log for user activity using Office 365 Management APIs overview