Migrate existing sites to Bootstrap version 5
Bootstrap version 5 offers new features and updates that make your Power Pages sites more responsive and easier to customize.
- You can migrate any of your Bootstrap version 3 sites to version 5 regardless of the template that was used to create them.
- When you migrate existing Bootstrap version 3 sites to version 5, you can use either the standard data model or the enhanced data model.
- Consider testing the migration with a developer site.
- To check the current version of Bootstrap, see the bootstrap.min.css web file for your website.
To migrate your Bootstrap version 3 site, follow these steps:
- Download the website folder.
- Run the migration tool on the folder.
- Review your changes.
- Upload the migrated website record.
- Clear the server-side cache.
Since the migration steps require the use of the Microsoft Power Platform CLI, be sure you understand how to use it in Power Pages:
- Microsoft Power Platform CLI support for Power Pages
- Tutorial: Use Microsoft Power Platform CLI with Power Pages
pac powerpages
Install Microsoft Power Platform CLI version 1.28.2 or later.
If your site uses SVG files, make sure that the Set blocked file extensions for attachments system setting in your Power Platform environment allows the ".svg" extension.
Consider creating two versions of your Power Pages site using Bootstrap version 3. Migrate one of them and use the other as a reference to compare with the migrated site.
Download the website folder
Starting with Microsoft Power Platform CLI version 1.27, the pac paportal
command changed to pac powerpages
. paportal
still works, but we recommend that you use powerpages
going forward. That's the form we use in the following instructions. If you're using Microsoft Power Platform CLI version 1.26.6, make sure that you use pac paportal
instead of pac powerpages
Open a command prompt.
Enter the following command to authenticate to the Dataverse organization for your Power Platform environment:
pac auth create -u [Dataverse URL]
pac auth create -u https://contoso-org.crm.dynamics.com
More information:
pac auth create
Enter the following command to generate a list of websites in the organization:
pac powerpages list
Note the WebSiteId of the site you plan to migrate.
More information:
pac powerpages list
Enter the following command to download the website folder:
pac powerpages download --path [PATH] -id [WebSiteId-GUID]
pac powerpages download --path "c:\pac-powerpages\downloads" -id d44574f9-acc3-4ccc-8d8d-85cf5b7ad141
For the id parameter, use the WebSiteId that you noted in the previous step.
More information:
pac powerpages download
Run the migration tool on the folder
Enter the following command to run the migration tool on the website folder that you downloaded: pac powerpages bootstrap-migrate -p "WebsiteFolderPath"
Example: pac powerpages bootstrap-migrate -p "c:\pac-powerpages\downloads\bootstrap-dev-site"
The command creates a folder with "V5" appended to the folder name.
To revert to version 3 from Bootstrap version 5, use the upload command to replace the version 5 folder with a Bootstrap version 3 folder.
More information: pac powerpages bootstrap-migrate
Review your changes
If you created a copy of your site before you migrated it, compare it with the version 5 site.
Open the V5 folder you created in the previous step.
Open an HTML or CSS file.
In Visual Studio Code, press Ctrl+Shift+P to open a command prompt. Enter
bootstrap diff
.The version 3 file and the version 5 file open. Hover over each highlighted change to review it.
Upload the migrated website record
Enter the following command to upload the migrated website record to the organization: pac powerpages upload --path [Folder-location]
Example: pac powerpages upload --path C:\pac-portals\downloads\custom-portal\
More information: pac powerpages upload
After you upload the record, the migrated site is a Bootstrap version 5 website. We recommend that you compare the site with your version 3 site one more time, and modify the Bootstrap version 5 site as needed.
Clear the server-side cache
Clear the server-side cache for the metadata/configuration and data tables.