Use the new Power Platform admin center (preview)

[This topic is prerelease documentation and is subject to change.]

We're introducing a new Power Platform admin center, which has features organized into pages like Manage, Security, and Copilot. The classic Power Platform admin center is still available, and you can easily switch between them at your convenience.

Screenshot of the switch to turn on the new experience in the Power Platform admin center window.


  • This feature is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.

Power Pages management views

This article focuses on using the new admin center for Power Pages. Learn more about all the features in the new experience in Use the new Power Platform admin center (preview).

Your sites and analytics views

Find these views on the Manage page under the Products section. Here, you can see a list of all your Power Pages sites and detailed analytics insights.

Screenshot of the sites inventory view in the Manage page in the new Power Platform admin center.

Screenshot of the analytics view in the Manage page in the new Power Platform admin center.

Licenses view

Find the Power Pages licenses view on the Licensing page to manage license-related aspects of Power Pages directly in the new admin center.

Screenshot of the licenses view in the Licensing page in the new Power Platform admin center.

Security dashboard

For security insights and actions, go to the Security page and select Power Pages under the Products section. The security dashboard offers the same features as the classic admin center. Learn more in Manage website security from the Power Platform admin center.

Screenshot of the security dashboard in the Security page in the new Power Platform admin center.

New vs classic admin center


If you use the classic Power Platform admin center, you can still access all Power Pages management features, including inventory (your sites), analytics, licenses, and the security dashboard. Learn more in Use the admin center.

If a Power Pages feature is missing in the new admin center, switch back to the classic admin center to access it. We're working to achieve full parity between the two experiences for seamless usability.

Thank you for your patience as we work toward a streamlined, modern admin experience.