Shortcuts and accessibility in app designer and site map designer

This article describes shortcuts and accessibility in the classic app and site map designers.


Starting in October 2023, the classic app, form, and view designers are deprecated and all model-driven apps, forms, and views will only open in the modern designers. By default, the Switch to classic command to revert back to the classic designer from the modern designer will no longer be available. More information: Classic app, form, and view designers are deprecated

We recommend that you transition to use the modern designers to create and edit your model-driven apps and components.

Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for everyone. For more information, see, Microsoft accessibility

This article describes the accessibility features for app makers available with model-driven-apps.

Learn more about shortcuts for app users.

Keyboard shortcuts

Many users find that using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts for Power Apps helps them work more efficiently.

For users with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using the touchscreen and are an essential alternative to using a mouse.

This article itemizes the keyboard shortcuts for Power Apps.

App designer and site map designer

To Shortcut Keys (Windows) Shortcut Keys (Mac)
Go to the next section or major component. Ctrl + F6 Cmd + F6
Go to the previous section or major component. Shift + Ctrl + F6 Shift + Cmd + F6
Save command. Ctrl + S Cmd + S
Save and Close command. Ctrl + Alt + S Cmd + Opt + S
Validate command. Ctrl + Alt + V Cmd + Op t+ V
Publish command. Ctrl + Alt + P Cmd + Opt + P
Close command. Ctrl + Q Cmd + Q
Add. Shift + N Shift +
Edit. Shift + E Shift + E
Remove. Shift + R Shift + R
Search Canvas. Ctrl + Shift + F Cmd + Shift + F
Open Components tab. Alt + Shift + C Opt + Shift + C
Open Properties tab. Alt + Shift + P Opt + Shift + P
Open the Required tab. Alt + Shift + R Opt + Shift + R
Add Menu. Ctrl +Alt +N Cmd + Opt +N
Clone an app designer component. Ctrl + C Cmd + C
Delete. Delete key Delete key
Copy a site map component to the clipboard. Ctrl + C Cmd + C
Cut. Ctrl + X Cmd + X
Paste the clipboard contents to the site map. Ctrl + V Cmd + V
Expand and move the focus to the notification area in App Designer. Alt + Shift + N Opt + Shift + N
Collapse the expanded notification area in App Designer. Esc esc

Keyboard navigation

Moving around the app designer and site map designer by using the keyboard is also supported. This enables people who don’t use a mouse or touchscreen to get around and complete actions.

To Press
Go to the next tab stop in the defined tab order (which is left to right for LTR languages and right to left for RTL languages). Tab
Move to the previous tab stop in the tab order. Shift + Tab
Move to the next item in a list or a menu, or user interface feature that has multiple options.


Move vertically to the next tile.
Down Arrow keys
Move to the next item in a list or a menu, or user interface feature that has multiple options.


Move vertically to the previous tile.
Up Arrow
Move horizontally to the next tile. Right Arrow
Move horizontally to the previous tile. Left Arrow
Expand a collapsible control. Right Arrow or Enter or Spacebar
Collapse an expanded collapsible control. Left Arrow or Enter or Spacebar
Perform an action such as selecting an option from radio buttons, clicking a link, or selecting a check box. Spacebar
Activate a command bar action, or confirm a component add. Enter
Close an alert, dialog box, or menu, or cancel. Esc

Screen readers

People with disabilities may rely on the use of assistive technology (AT) such as screen readers or a variety of alternative input devices to interact with the app designer and site map designer.

These popular screen readers running on the web browsers indicated here work with app designer and site map designer:

Browser Jaws Narrator VoiceOver
Microsoft Edge Yes Yes Yes
Google Chrome Yes No No
Firefox Yes No No
Safari No No Yes

Accessibility info for browsers

For accessibility information about browsers, visit the following websites:

See also

Use keyboard shortcuts for app users in Power Apps