What's New and Changed

This section provides descriptions about and links to the SQL Server Protocols technical documents that are new or updated. New documents have not been previously released. Updated documents have been previously released and are revised to reflect changes in functionality.

New Documentation

No new protocol documents are currently available.

Updated Documentation

The following previously released documents were updated for Microsoft SQL Server 2022 and may have been revised for content issues.

Difference documents for each release of protocol documents will no longer be published. Each document release will include the protocol document in PDF and Word format: You can use Word Compare functionality, or an equivalent tool, to create difference documents between document versions.



Latest release

[MS-SSAS-T]: SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular Protocol | Microsoft Learn

This document has been updated to introduce bindingInfo, new TM metadata in the semantic model with which users specify a target credential in DMTS to bind with. This binding takes place when a new data source is created with a "best-effort" semantic.

January 2025

[MS-RDL]: Report Definition Language File Format

Specifies the file format for SQL Server Report Definition Language (RDL), a file type that is used to represent the metadata for defining a report.

This document has been updated to add the new optional authoring metadata feature to the RDL structure that is used to denote the tools that create and edit the document. This new feature is purely metadata and has no functional implications.

November 2022

[MS-SSAS]: SQL Server Analysis Server Protocol

Specifies the SQL Server Analysis Services Protocol, which provides methods for a client to communicate with and to perform operations on an analysis server.

This document has been updated as follows:

  • Specified change in support of message processing events.

  • Updated the XML code definition for xmla-ds:Members.

In addition, the document has been revised to clarify other content.

May 2024

[MS-SSAS-T]: SQL Server Analysis Server Tabular Protocol

Specifies an extension of the SQL Server Analysis Services protocol [MS-SSAS] by specifying the methods for a client to communicate with and perform operations on an analysis server that uses Tabular databases that are at compatibility level 1200 or higher.

This document has been updated as follows:

  • Added the RefreshPolicy object to the list of data structures.

  • Added Create RefreshPolicy, Delete RefreshPolicy, and Alter RefreshPolicy metadata commands.

  • Added RefreshPolicy object definition to JSON commands.

In addition, the document has been revised to clarify other content.

May 2024

In addition, the following documents were updated to add SQL Server 2022 and/or other applicable Microsoft products as appropriate: