Designing your Microsoft Teams bot

Bots are conversational apps that perform a specific set of tasks. Based on the Microsoft Bot Framework, bots communicate with users, respond to their questions, and proactively notify them about changes and other events. They're a great way to reach out.

To guide your app design, the following information describes and illustrates how people can add, use, and manage bots in Teams.

Microsoft Teams UI Kit

You can find more comprehensive bot design guidelines, including elements that you can grab and modify as needed, in the Microsoft Teams UI Kit.

Add a bot

Bots are available in chats, channels, and personal apps.


Users can access bots that were added on desktop with an @mention.

Example shows how to access a mobile bot in a group chat using an @mention.


Users can add a bot one of the following ways:

  • From the Microsoft Teams Store.

  • Using the app flyout by selecting the More icon on the left side of Teams.

  • With an @mention in the new chat or compose box (the following example shows how you can do this in a group chat).

    Example shows how to add a bot in a group chat using an @mention.

Introduce a bot

It’s critical that your bot introduces itself and describes what it can do. This initial exchange helps people understand what to do with the bot, find out its limitations and, most importantly, get comfortable interacting with it.

Welcome message in a one-on-one chat

In personal contexts, welcome messages set your bot's tone. The message includes a greeting, what the bot can do, and some suggestions for how to interact. For example, “Try asking me about …”. If possible, these suggestions should return stored responses without having to sign in.


Example shows a bot introduction in a personal app on mobile.


Example shows a bot introduction in a personal app.

Welcome message in channels and group chats

Your bot's introduction should be slightly different in channels and group chats compared to a personal space (like a personal app). In real life, if you entered a room full of people; you’d introduce yourself instead of welcoming everyone who’s already there. Carry that thinking into your bot design.


Example shows a bot introduction in a collaborative context on mobile.


Example shows a bot introduction in a collaborative context.

Bot authentication with single sign-on

When a person messages a bot, sign in might be required use all its features. You can simplify the authentication process using single sign-on (SSO).

Don’t forget: In the bot command menu (What can I do?), you must also provide a command to sign out.


Example shows a bot with a sign-in button on mobile.


Example shows a bot with a sign-in button.


You can include a tour with welcome messages and if the bot responds to something like a “help” command. A tour is the most effective way to describe what your bot can do. If applicable, they’re also great for describing your app’s other features. For example, include screenshots of your message extension.


Tours should be accessible without having to sign in.

One-on-one chats

In a personal app, a carousel can provide an effective overview of your bot and any other features of your app. Include buttons such as Create a task to encourage users to try the bot commands.


Example shows a bot tour in a one-on-one chat on mobile.


Example shows a bot tour in a one-on-one chat.

Channels and group chats

In channels and group chats, a tour should open in a modal (also known as a dialogs(referred as task modules in TeamsJS v1.x)) so it doesn’t interrupt ongoing conversations. This also gives you the option to implement role-based views for your tour.


Example shows a bot tour in a channel on mobile.


Example shows a bot tour in a channel.

Chat with a bot

Bots integrate directly into Team’s messaging framework. Users can chat with a bot to get their questions answered or type commands to have the bot perform a narrow or specific set of tasks. Bots can proactively notify users about changes or updates to your app through chat.

Chat with a bot in different contexts

You can use bots in the following contexts:

  • Personal apps: In a personal app, a bot has a dedicated chat tab.
  • One-on-one chat: A user can initiate a private conversation with a bot. It's the same experience as using a bot in a personal app.
  • Group chat: People can interact with a bot in a group chat by @mentioning the bot.
  • Channel: People can interact with a bot in a channel. by @mentioning the bot name in the compose box. Remember, in this context, the bot is available to the entire team, not just the channel.



Example shows a mobile bot's structural anatomy.

Counter Description
1 App name and icon
2 Chat tab: Opens the space to talk with your bot (applicable only to personal apps).
3 Custom tabs: Opens other content related to your app.
4 About tab: Displays basic information about your app.
5 Chat bubble: Bot conversations use the Teams messaging framework.
6 Adaptive Card: If your bot's responses include Adaptive Cards, the card takes up the full width of the chat bubble.


Example shows a bot's structural anatomy.

Counter Description
1 App name and icon
2 Chat tab: Opens the space to talk with your bot (applicable only to personal apps).
3 Custom tabs: Opens other content related to your app.
4 About tab: Displays basic information about your app.
5 Chat bubble: Bot conversations use the Teams messaging framework.
6 Adaptive Card: If your bot's responses include Adaptive Cards, the card takes up the full width of the chat bubble.
7 Command menu: Displays your bot's standard commands (defined by you).

Command menu

The command menu provides a list of words or phrases you want your bot to always respond to. The command menu displays above the compose box when someone is conversing with a bot. When a command is selected, it gets inserted into a message.

The list of commands should be brief. The menu is only meant to highlight your bot’s primary features. Keep commands concise, too. For example, create a command called Help instead of Can you please help me?

The command menu must always be available regardless of the state of the conversation.

Example shows a bot's command menu.

Understand what people are saying

Use a thesaurus and get people from as many different backgrounds as possible to help you generate different interpretations of standard queries.

Illustration showing how a bot might interpret 'Hello'.

Illustration showing how a bot might interpret 'Help'.

Illustration showing how a bot might interpret 'Thanks'.

Extract intent and data from messages

Design your bot to recognize intent, which captures what someone wants from a bot in response to a message or query. Intent classifies a message or query as a single action with one or more data objects that are affected by the action.

The following examples outline the user intent and data in messages sent to bots:

Example showing in sentence 'Book a flight to Seattle', user intent is 'book a flight' and data is 'Seattle'.

Example showing in sentence 'When does the store open', user intent is 'when' and data is 'open'.

Example showing in sentence 'Schedule a meeting at 1pm with Bob in Distribution', user intent is 'schedule a meeting' and data is '1pm' and 'Bob in Distribution'.

Analyze and improve

Learn what users say when chatting with your bot. This is an ongoing, iterative process as your user base grows in different locations and orgs. You can tune your bot's language recognition and intent mapping with Microsoft Language Understanding (LUIS).

  • Understanding LUIS: Find out how LUIS uses AI to provide natural language understanding (NLU) to your app data.
  • Integrating with LUIS: Add natural language capabilities to your bot without the complex process of creating machine learning models.

Use cases

Simple queries

Bots can deliver an exact match to a query or a group of related matches to help with disambiguation. For related matches, group the content using a list card.


Example shows a simple query interaction with a bot on mobile.


Example shows a simple query interaction with a bot.

Multi-turn interactions

While your bot can support complete requests and questions, it should also be able to handle multi-turn interactions. Anticipating possible next steps makes it much easier for people to a complete task flow (rather than expecting them to craft a comprehensive request).

In the following examples, the bot responds to each message with options for what might want to do next.


Example shows a multi-turn interaction with a bot on mobile.


Example shows a multi-turn interaction with a bot.

Reach out to users

With proactive messaging, your bot can act like a digest that sends notifications relevant to an individual, group chat, or channel at a specific frequency. A bot might send a message when something has changed in a document or a work item is closed.


In the following example, the user gets a notification that a bot messaged them in another channel.

Example shows a toast of a bot proactively messaging a user from another channel on mobile.

Now in that channel, the user can read their message from the bot.

Example shows the user looking at the bot's proactive message on mobile.


In the following example, the user gets a toast notification that a bot messaged them in another channel.

Example shows a toast of a bot proactively messaging a user from another channel.

Now in that channel, the user can read their message from the bot.

Example shows the user looking at the bot's proactive message.

Use tabs with bots

In personal apps, a tab can complement what your bot can do. For example, if your bot can create work items, it's nice to show all those items in a central location inside a tab. See more about designing tabs.


Example shows how a tab can help organize bot content on mobile.


Example shows how a tab can help organize bot content.

Manage a bot

Users should be able to change a bot's settings. You can provide this functionality with bot commands, but it's more efficient to include all settings in a dialog (as shown in the following example).

Example shows a dialog for configuring a bot's settings.

Best practices

Use these recommendations to create a quality app experience.


Example showing a bot best practice for establishing a clear persona.

Do: Establish a clear persona

Is your bot's tone friendly and light, “just the facts”, or super quirky? How should it respond in different scenarios? Planning and documenting your bot's persona makes it easier to write responses that seem natural and cohesive.

See more about writing for bots in the Microsoft Teams UI Kit (Figma).

Example showing to clearly convey what your bot can do.

Do: Clearly convey what your bot can do

Welcome messages and tours help people understand what they can do with your bot.

Example showing not to obscure your bot's features.

Don't: Obscure your bot's features

First impressions matter. People likely get confused or suspicious when presented with a nondescript sign-in message.

Example showing your bot should recognize non-questions.

Do: Recognize non-questions

Your bot should be able to respond to messages like "Hi", "Help", and "Thanks" while also accounting for common misspellings and colloquialisms.

Example showing you should avoid clumsy responses to simple bot messages.

Don't: Miss out on opportunities to delight

Some people expect conversations to flow naturally like they would with a real person. Try to avoid clumsy responses to simple messages.


Example showing bots should help users understand how to use bots.

Do: Provide help

If your bot can’t satisfy a request, provide ways for a user to educate themselves about interacting with your bot.

Example showing your bot shouldn't strand users.

Don't: Leave users stranded

People will quickly abandon your bot if they can’t troubleshoot issues.

Complex interactions

Example showing you can use modal dialogs or tabs with your bot for complex interactions.

Do: Use dialogs or tabs

If your bot provides an answer that requires a few more steps, you can link to a modal dialog or tab to complete the task or flow.

Example showing how your bot should avoid multi-turn interactions.

Don't: Make multi-turn interactions tedious

An extensive conversation to complete a single task is slow and overly complex. It also requires the developer to account for state changes (such as the conversation timing out or you sending a “Cancel” message).


Example showing how bots should only show private information in a personal context.

Do: Only show sensitive info in a personal context

If your bot is in a group chat or channel, we recommend directing users to a private location (such as a modal dialog, tab, or browser) to view sensitive information.

Example showing how bots shouldn't reveal sensitive information to a group or people.

Don't: Some content isn’t meant to be seen by everyone

Your bot shouldn’t reveal sensitive information to a group of people.

See also

These guidelines further help with your bot design: