Offboard devices

Applies to:


  • macOS
  • Linux Server
  • Windows client devices
  • Windows Server 2025
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2

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When you offboard a device from Defender for Endpoint, no new detections, vulnerability, or security data are sent to the Microsoft Defender portal. Seven days after offboarding a device, its status changes to inactive. Devices that weren't active within the past 30 days are not factored into your organization's exposure score.

Past data, such as alerts, vulnerablities, and the device timeline, for an offboarded device is displayed in the Microsoft Defender portal until the configured retention period expires. You also see the device profile (without data) in the device inventory for up to 180 days. To view data for active devices only, you can use filters, such as sensor health state, device tags, or device groups.

Offboard Windows devices

Offboard Servers

Offboard non-Windows devices

Offboard Android or iOS devices

To offboard an Android or iOS device, uninstall the Microsoft Defender app on the device.


Do you want to learn more? Engage with the Microsoft Security community in our Tech Community: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Tech Community.