Priority Matrix

Last updated by the developer on: March 6, 2024
General information
Information provided by Appfluence Inc to Microsoft:
Information | Response |
App name | Priority Matrix |
ID | appfluenceinc.m_pm_msft |
Partner company name | Appfluence Inc |
Company's website | |
App's Terms of Use | |
Core functionality of the app | Priority Matrix is a project, task and priority management solution that creates a central source of truth to coordinate all the work your team needs to do. |
Company headquarter location | United States of America |
App info page | |
What is the hosting environment or service model used to run your app? | Iaas |
Which hosting cloud providers does the app use? | Aws |
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
How the app handles data
This information has been provided by Appfluence Inc about how this app collects and stores organizational data and the control that your organization will have over the data the app collects.
Information | Response |
Does the app or underlying infrastructure process any data relating to a Microsoft customer or their device? | Yes |
What data is processed by your app? | User email and first/last name as minimum. Optionally, collaborators, emails, calendar events. |
Does the app support TLS 1.1 or higher? | Yes |
Does the app or underlying infrastructure store any Microsoft customer data? | No |
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Information from the Microsoft Cloud App Security catalog appears below.
Information | Response |
Do you perform annual penetration testing on the app? | Yes |
Does the app have a documented disaster recovery plan, including a backup and restore strategy? | Yes |
Does your environment use traditional anti-malware protection or application controls? | ApplicationControls, TraditionalAntiMalware |
Do you have an established process for indentifying and risk ranking security vulnerabilities? | Yes |
Do you have a policy that governs your service level agreement (SLA) for applying patches? | Yes |
Do you carry out patch management activities according to your patching policy SLAs? | Yes |
Does your enviroment have any unsupported operating systems or software? | No |
Do you conduct quarterly vulnerability scanning on your app and the infastructure that supports it? | Yes |
Do you have a firewall installed on your external network boundary? | Yes |
Do you have an established change management process used to review and approve change requests before they are deployed to production? | Yes |
Is an additional person reviewing and approving all code change requests submitted to production by the original developer? | Yes |
Do secure coding practices take into account common vulnerability classes such as OWASP Top 10? | Yes |
Multifactor Authentication (MFA) enabled for: | DNSManagement, Credential, CodeRepositories |
Do you have an established process for provisioning, modification, and deletion of employee accounts? | Yes |
Do you have Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDPS) software deployed at the perimeter of the network boundary supporting your app? | Yes |
Do you have event logging set up on all system components supporting your app? | Yes |
Are all logs reviewed on a regular cadence by human or automated tooling to detect potential security events? | Yes |
When a security event is detected are alerts automatically sent to an employee for triage? | Yes |
Do you have a formal information security risk management process established? | Yes |
Do you have a formal security incident response process documented and established? | Yes |
Do you report app or service data breaches to supervisory authorities and individuals affected by the breach within 72 hours of detection? | Yes |
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Information | Response |
Does the app comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA)? | No |
Does the app comply with Health Information Trust Alliance, Common Security Framework (HITRUST CSF)? | No |
Does the app comply with Service Organization Controls (SOC 1)? | No |
Does the app comply with Service Organization Controls (SOC 2)? | No |
Does the app comply with Service Organization Controls (SOC 3)? | No |
Do you carry out annual PCI DSS assessments against the appand its supporting environment? | No |
Is the app International Organization for Standardization (ISO 27001) certified? | No |
Does the app comply with International Organization for Standardization (ISO 27018)? | No |
Does the app comply with International Organization for Standardization (ISO 27017)? | No |
Does the app comply with International Organization for Standardization (ISO 27002)? | No |
Is the app Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) compliant? | No |
Does the app comply with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)? | No |
Does the app comply with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)? | No |
Does the app comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)? | N/A |
Does the app comply with NIST 800-171? | No |
Has the app been Cloud Security Alliance (CSA Star) certified? | Yes |
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Information | Response |
Do you have GDPR or other privacy or data protection requirements or obligations (such as CCPA)? | Yes |
Does the app have an external-facing privacy notice that describes how it collects, uses, shares, and stores customer data? | Yes |
Privacy Policy URL | |
Does the app perform automated decision making, including profiling that could have a legal effect or similar impact? | No |
Does the app process customer data for a secondary purpose not described in the privacy notice (i.e. marketing, analytics)? | No |
Do you process special categories of sensitive data (i.e. racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetic or biometric data, health data) or categories of data subject to breach notification laws? | No |
Does the app collect or process data from minors (i.e., individuals under the age of 16)? | No |
Does the app have capabilities to delete an individual's personal data upon request? | Yes |
Does the app have capabilities to restrict or limit the processing of an individual's personal data upon request? | Yes |
Does the app provide individuals the ability to correct or update their personal data? | Yes |
Are regular data security and privacy reviews performed (for example, Data Protection Impact Assessments or privacy risk assessments) to identify risks related to the processing of personal data for the app? | Yes |
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Information | Response |
Does your application integrate with Microsoft identity platform (Microsoft Entra ID) for single-sign on, API access, etc.? | Yes |
Have you reviewed and complied with all applicable best practices outlined in the Microsoft identity platform integration checklist? | Yes |
Does your app use the latest version of MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) or Microsoft Identity Web for authentication? | No |
Does your app support Conditional Access policies? | No |
If your app does not use one of the above libraries, what authentication library or libraries does it use? | social-auth-app-django |
Does your app support Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) | Yes |
Does your app store any credentials in code? | No |
Apps and add-ins for Microsoft 365 might use additional Microsoft APIs outside of Microsoft Graph. Does your app or add-in use additional Microsoft APIs? | No |
Data access using Microsoft Graph
Graph Permission Permission Type Justification Microsoft Entra App ID Calendars.Read delegated In our 1-on-1 view, present the user with events they share with a collaborator cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a Files.Read.All delegated In our 1-on-1 view, present the user with files they share with a collaborator. Also, optionally they can store their attachments in their own OneDrive instead of our system. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a Mail.Read delegated In our 1-on-1 view, present the user with emails they share with a collaborator. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a Tasks.Read delegated In our 1-on-1 view, present the user with tasks they share with a collaborator cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a TeamsActivity.Send delegated Send relevant alerts (i.e. overdue items, mentions) to a user's Teams activity feed. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a User.Read delegated Sign in the user and share their email and first/last name so we can message them properly. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a User.ReadBasic.All delegated See the user's teammates so we can suggest other collaborators to invite to Priority Matrix, or to assign tasks to. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a delegated Know the user's email address so we can address them in our communications. This is also their ID in our system. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a offline_access delegated Maintain access to the user's data so we can prepare reports while the user is not connected. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a openid delegated Sign the user in through single sign-on. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a profile delegated Learn the user's first/last name so we can address them properly. cf9bdbc1-18c7-4700-b6b3-093f241e2d8a
This application does not have Additional APIs.
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!
Certification information
Control | Microsoft 365 Certification Result |
Penetration Testing | In Scope |
Vulnerability Assessment Review (Penetration Test) | In Scope |
Awareness Training | In Scope |
Malware Protection - Anti-Malware | In Scope |
Malware Protection - Application Control | In Scope |
Patch Management - Patching & Risk Ranking | In Scope |
Vulnerability Scanning | In Scope |
Network Security Controls (NSC) | In Scope |
Change Control | In Scope |
Secure Software Development/Deployment | In Scope |
Account Management | In Scope |
Security Event Logging, Reviewing and Alerting | In Scope |
Information Security Risk Management | In Scope |
Security Incident Response | In Scope |
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Plan | In Scope |
Data in Transit | In Scope |
Data At Rest | In Scope |
Data Retention, Back-up and Disposal | In Scope |
Data Access Management | In Scope |
GDPR | In Scope |
Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!